Greek Families
Apart from Zeus sleeping with women in the royal houses throughout Greece and in every different generation, so that every descendant was related to him, there is another common ancestry to most of these great families. If we discount Zeus and his brother Poseidon, ultimately all royal lines can be linked back to Oceanus, the eldest of the Titans, and of course, to Tethys, Oceanus' sister and wife.
Some of lines also go back to Iapetus, Oceanus's brother. Iapetus was the father of Atlas, Prometheus and Epimethus. From Prometheus and Atlas, their descendants also established great houses. However, the consort of Iapetus was either Clymene or Asia, and both of them were daughters of Oceanus. Even Atlas' consort, Pleione, mother of the Pleiades, was a daughter of Oceanus. The great city was not only linked to Oceanus through Pleione's daughter Electra, but also through Oceanus' son Scamander.
What about the great houses of Argos, Thebes and Crete? Their common ancestor was the river-god Inachus, who happened to be the son of Oceanus and Tethys. And if we look at the ancestor of the heroes Peleus and Achilles, it was Asopus - another son of Oceanus.
So, most of genealogy goes all the way back to the Titan Oceanus, even though it may not be so obvious in some cases.
Of all the genealogies listed here, only the House of Athens has no obvious link to Oceanus.
Aeolids (Descendants of Aeolus)
Inachids (Descendants of Inachus)
Other Houses
Roman Families
Miscellaneous Genealogy

By Jimmy Joe