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1598 Articles

Seventh Labour (Cretan Bull)

For the seventh labour, Heracles needed to fetch the Cretan Bull , the bull that belonged to Minos , king of Crete. This bull was sacred to Poseido...

Jimmy Joe
April 9th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Sixth Labour (Stymphalian Birds)

For the sixth labour, Heracles was required to chase away Stymphalian Birds that were ravaging the countryside around the lake called Stymphalus, i...

Jimmy Joe
April 9th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Fifth Labour (Stables of Augeias)

Angry at Heracles for running off seeking new adventure with the Argonauts , Eurystheus decided that the fifth labour would be the most humiliating...

Jimmy Joe
April 9th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Fourth Labour (Erymanthian Boar)

For the fourth labour, Heracles needed to fetch Erymanthian Boar . On this trip, he visited a Centaur named Pholus , who lived in Mount Pholoë (Pho...

Jimmy Joe
April 9th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Third Labour (Cerynitian Hind)

For the third labour, Heracles needed to fetch the Cerynitian hind that lived at Oinoe or the forest of Cerynitia, and was sacred to the goddess Ar...

Jimmy Joe
April 9th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Second Labour (Hydra)

For the second labour, Heracles had to kill the Hydra that lived by a spring near Lerna, Argolis. The Hydra was a creature that had many heads. The...

Jimmy Joe
April 9th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

First Labour (Nemean Lion)

The first labour required Heracles to kill the Nemean Lion . The lion was invulnerable to all weapons, being an offspring of the monsters Orthus an...

Jimmy Joe
April 9th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Ulster Cycle

The genealogy shown in this page contains the family trees of the rival provinces of Ulster and Connacht, and of Tara, the seat of the High King. E...

Jimmy Joe
November 25th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Hrolf Kraki

Frodi and the Children of Halfdan Helgi and Ysra Svipdag Bjorn and his Sons Bodvar and Hott Treachery of King Adils End of an Era Frodi and the Chi...

Jimmy Joe
February 1st, 2007
By Jimmy Joe

Perilous Graveyard

The Perilous Graveyard (L'Âtre périlleux) was a 13th century Old French romance. The Perilous Graveyard was one of the few French medieval romances...

Jimmy Joe
October 31st, 2003
By Jimmy Joe

Gawain and the Green Knight

" Sir Gawain and the Green Knight " was one of the great masterpieces of Middle English romance, written about 1350. Great interest arose from this...

Jimmy Joe
December 16th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe

Diu Krône

The German author, Heinrich von dem Türlin, had written Diu Krône or "The Crown" in the early 13th century. It was the only tale that had the Grail...

Jimmy Joe
December 16th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe
41 of 134 pages