Arthurian Legends
No kings had endured such everlasting fame. Arthur represents the Golden Age of Chivalry. His band of warriors, known as the Knights of the Round Table, became just as famous as the legendary king. There were the knights Lancelot and Gawain, Perceval and Galahad, Tristan and many more.
Here, Timeless Myths bring back to life the Age of King Arthur.
Arthurian Legends contain tales and knightly romances from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Sir Thomas Malory.
I have now included non-Arthurian subjects such as the Frankish legend of Charlemagne and the Twelve Peers in a new section called the Songs of Deeds, which was translated from the Old French chansons de geste. At the time, these medieval tales rivalled that of King Arthur, for around there were over 80 chansons or "songs".
The Arthurian Legends page has been divided into three parts:
Camelot is a reference on the characters found in the Arthurian Legends.
The Age of Chivalry are collections of tales and romances found in the Arthurian Legends.
The Songs of Deeds are collections of Frankish legends of Charlemagne, in what the French called their epic poems as chanson de geste.
Other useful information includes:
Fact & Figures
The Land of the Mighty
is in bloody strife and turmoil."Hear the tides of the godless Saxons,
bringing death and fire.
Hear the silent supplication
of our dead."Where are our brave warriors
of the shining helms,
To free us
from pain and shackles?"Our tears and entreaties
To restore our pride and dignity
remain unheeded.Why do you mock our prayers, O Lord,
With only a beardless boy
and a sword
As our protectors?"
— Prayers Answered,
from the Book of Heroes.

By Jimmy Joe