Songs of Deeds
Welcome to the new section of the Arthurian Legends, which I've called the Songs of Deeds. However, these legends are not related to King Arthur or to his knights or to the grail. These legends are about Charlemagne, the greatest king of the Franks, and his legendary group of paladins.
The Song of Deeds or in French – chansons de geste – referred to a number of epics or narratives concerning the Frankish legends about the time when Charlemagne and his son ruled both France and Germany.
Charlemagne or Charles the Great, was generally referred to as Charles I, king of the Franks. His kingdom included France, Belgium and the Lower Countries (Netherlands), formerly known as Gaul during the Roman Empire. But Charlemagne extended his kingdom west of the Rhine, and it included much of what is now known as modern Germany.
I have even included the legend of El Cid in the Songs of Deeds.
Although the Songs of Deeds have nothing to do with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, it is small enough to allow for comparisons between the legends of Charlemagne and of Arthur.

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By Jimmy Joe