Site Map
- Abbasid: Arab Dynasty and Islamic Empire
- Abzu God: The Mysterious Ancient Deity That Resided Beneath the Earth
- Achievements of Mesopotamians: Invention After Invention
- Who Was Adonis the Poet?
- The Adyghe People and Their Language
- Ahmed Ben Balla: Icon of Algerian Independence
- Algeria: A History of Struggle and Independence
- Algerian Culture: An Enchanting Mix of Tradition and Modern Influence
- The Almohad Dynasty of the Maghreb
- Amenemhat III: Economic Prosperity Blossomed in Egypt
- Amurru: The Unique Story of an Ancient Country and Its Mountain God
- Ancient Egyptian Government: How Did the Egyptian Government Flourish?
- Ancient Egyptian Cities: The Foundation of Ancient Civilization
- Ancient Egyptian Clothing: How Did Clothing Style Evolve in Egypt?
- Ancient Egyptian Food: Taste of the Royal Appetite
- Ancient Egyptian Hairstyles That Continue To Impress Us Today
- Ancient Egyptian Houses: Symbols of Warmth and Social Power
- Ancient Egyptian Jewelry: The Splendor of Egyptian Treasure
- Ancient Egyptian Makeup: Beauty Rituals in the Land of Pharaohs
- Ancient Egyptian Medicine: How People Lived a Healthy Life
- Ancient Egyptian Money: From Bread and Cows to Rings and Coins
- Ancient Egyptian Music: Discover the Rhythms of a Lost Civilization
- Ancient Egyptian Religion: A Wonder of Its Own
- Ancient Egyptian Sport: Fun & Games
- How Ancient Egyptian Tattooing Changed Our Understanding of Egyptian History
- Ancient Egyptian Technologies: How Do Innovations Make Our Lives Comfortable?
- Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Temples: How the Egyptian Honored the Gods
- Ancient Egyptian Vizier: The World’s First Prime Minister
- Ancient Egyptian Wars: How a New Weapon Changed the World Forever
- Ancient Egyptian Weapons: How Did Egypt’s Military Succeed?
- Ancient Egyptian Weddings: A Union Standing the Test of Time
- Ancient Egyptian Entertainment: Let’s Have Fun in the Nile
- Ancient Egyptian Slaves: How Slavery Shaped Egyptian Civilization
- Ancient Egyptians Social Structure: The Power That Made a Nation
- How Ancient Egypt’s Animals Made Egypt Great
- Ancient Egypt’s Education: How It Changed the World
- Ancient Egypt’s Jobs That Helped Egyptians Build the Pyramids
- Ancient Mesopotamian Foods: The Long Lost Secrets of Ancient Cuisine
- The Ancient Persian Architecture and Its Characteristics
- Ancient Persian Clothing: A Story of Bright Colours and Ornaments
- Ancient Persian Gods: The Rise and Fall of Ancient Deities
- Ancient Persian Women: The Rise of Feminism in Ancient Persia
- The Anglo Egyptian Treaty 1936 – An inter-war treaty in a post-war world
- The Anglo-Iraqi War: A Bloody, Little-Known Clash During World War II
- Ankhesenamun: The Mysterious Fate of an Ancient Egyptian Queen
- Anzu Bird: Exploring an Ancient Mesopotamian Monster
- Apkallu: The Legendary Sages Who Brought Divine Wisdom to the World
- The Arab language: The Timeless Charm of This Beautiful language
- Arab vs Persian: A Tale of Two Similar but Different Ethnicities
- Arabs: Bedouins of the Desert
- Armenian Church – History, Origins, and Beliefs
- The Armenians: Who Are They? – Origins, History and Culture
- Ashur: How an Agricultural God Became the Supreme Deity of Assyria
- The Tales of Aspelta of Kush
- Assyria: Modern and Ancient History
- The Assyrian People: Ancient Civilization, Ancient Power
- Atum: The First-ever God of Ancient Egyptian Mythology
- The Ayatollah: Definition and Famous Ayatollahs
- Babi: The Myth of the Egyptian God of Underworld and Virility
- Babylonian Clothing: Authentic Beauty and Style for the World to See
- Babylonian Women: Whores and the Surrogate Goddess
- Baghdad's History: Uncovering the Story of Iraq’s Ancient Capital
- Baibars: The Sultan That Fought Strenuously for Egypt’s Independence
- Baldwin IV: The Story of His Life, Leprosy, and Death
- Balian of Ibelin: The Diplomatic Defender of Jerusalem
- Bastet: How This Lion-headed Goddess Became a Cat-headed Deity
- Battle of Kadesh: The World’s First Recorded Peace Treaty
- The Battle of Montgisard: A Leprous 16-Year Old vs. A Powerful Warrior
- Battle of Pelusium: How Persia Defeated Ancient Egypt
- Bedouins: Living Life in Simplicity Beyond Compare
- Berber People: The Natives of North Africa
- The Beys: Original Rulers of the Ottoman Empire
- Cairo History: The Ancient “Victorious” City of the Nile
- Cambyses: A Man of Favorable Habits and Exceptional Family
- Carthage: The Rise and Fall of a Phoenician Trading Powerhouse
- The Greatest Carthaginian Generals in History: Training and Deeds
- Chaldean Christians vs the Ancient Chaldeans of Mesopotamia
- Characteristics of Egyptian Art and the Purposes They Served
- Christianity in Africa – Retroactive Appraisals
- The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Ashab or Sahaba)
- The Coptic Church | Ancient Christian Church Founded by the Apostle Mark
- County of Edessa: The First Crusader City to Rise and Fall
- The Crusaders: Causes and Goals of the Medieval Holy Wars
- Cuneiform and Hieroglyphics: The Similarities and Differences
- Cuneiform Writing: Innovation Coming Out of a Challenging Need
- Daily Life in Ancient Egypt: A Glamorous Visit to the Past
- Damascus' History: Discovering the Secrets of the Pearl of the East
- Deir El-Bahri: Uncovering the Secrets of Queen Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple
- Djedefre: Leading Egypt with the Divine Power of Ra
- The Druze: The Secretive Arabs of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel
- Meet Dumuzid: The Ancient Mesopotamian God Who Died and Resurrected
- Egyptian Culture: A Glimpse at the Heart of Nile
- Egyptian History: A Five Thousand-Year-Old Success Story
- Egypt’s Major Industries – Economic Activities
- Egypt Religion: Faith in the Land of Mystics, Patriarchs, and Imams
- Egyptian Burial Practice: The Life After Death
- Egyptian Gods vs Greek Gods: The War of Ultimate Supremacy
- Egyptian Light Bulb: What You Need To Know To Separate Fact From Fiction
- Egyptian Queens: Discover Women’s Power Behind Egypt’s Throne
- Egyptian Gods: Background, Roles, Depictions and Their Worship
- El Fasher: Your Guide to this Sudanese City
- Enki: An Ancient God and His Legacy of Wisdom and Divine Creation
- Enlil: The Mesopotamian God That Breathes Glorious Life
- Enuma Elish | Babylonian Take on the Creation Story
- Famous Pharaohs: The Legacy of Ancient Egyptian Rulers
- The Fatimids: Surviving the Challenging Timeline of Muslim Faith
- Fatwa | Understanding Legal Opinions on Ethics & Morals
- Fustat, the Old Muslim Capital of Egypt for 500 Years
- Gamal Abdel Nasser: The Life & Times of Egypt’s Charismatic Leader
- Geb: The Ancient Egyptian God Whose Laugh Brought Earthquakes
- Gift of the Nile: A Remarkable Story of Egypt’s Rise to Greatness
- Why Are the Golan Heights so Important to so Many People?
- The Great Mosque of Cordoba – Mezquita
- Gula Goddess: The Healing Goddess of the Ancient World
- History of Algeria: The Transit Region of Europe and the Middle East
- History of Bahrain, the Island Country of Two Seas
- History of Kuwait: The Modern Marseilles of the Persian Gulf
- History of Lebanon: The Heart of Levant
- Horemheb: The Military King Who Reigned Ancient Egypt
- Horses in Ancient Egypt: How They Became Important
- How Big Was the Persian Army? Was Its Size A Thousand or A Million?
- How Did Being Surrounded by Deserts Benefit Egypt?: The Egypt Sahara
- How Did Egypt Fall: The Death of a Civilization
- How Did Mesopotamia Change their Nomadic Way of Life and Adapt
- How Did Mummification Reflect Egyptian Beliefs About the Afterlife?
- How Did Saladin Change the Middle East: An In-depth Study
- How Did the Assyrian Empire Fall: A Tale of Revenge and Coups
- How Did the Crusades Contribute to the Fall of the Byzantine Empire?
- How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt? A Story of Innovation
- How Did the Ottomans Treat Non Muslims in Their Empire: A Brief Guide
- How Long Did the Egyptian Empire Last — Between Excellence and Turmoil
- How Many Pyramids Are in Egypt: A Comprehensive Survey
- Humbaba: The Forgotten Rise and Fall of a Gargantuan Beast
- Ibn Tumart: Charismatic Religious Leader
- Imhotep: Leading Egypt with Immense Wisdom and Prominence
- Iranian Culture: Discover the Legacy of the Persian Empire
- Iran's History: The Homeland of Mighty Empires and Mysterious Religions
- Iran-Iraq War: The Eight-Year War that Killed Millions
- Iran's Religion: What Does a Shia Muslim Country Look Like?
- Iraqi Culture: From People to Practices
- Iraq's History: The World’s Oldest Civilization
- Iraqi religion: The Capital of Sectarian Violence
- Isimud: Exploring The Truth About The Two-Faced God and Duality
- Islamism: A Force That Wants Revolutionary Transformation
- Israel History Timeline – List of Significant Moments from Biblical to Modern Times
- Religion in Israel: How It Shaped the Country’s Culture and History
- Israeli Culture: The Birthplace of Diverse Faith and Tradition
- Janissary: The Ottoman Soldier That Lived Between Myths and Truth
- Sir John Bagot Glubb and the Fate of Empires
- Religion in Jordan – 2021 Report
- Judaism: Beliefs and History
- Karaite Judaism: A Guide Through Historic & Modern Karaism
- Khedive Ismail: The Debtor Ruler of Egypt
- Khnum: His Mythology and How He Became the Most Worshiped Deity
- Khufu: Reminiscing About the Divine Creator of the Great Pyramids
- Knights of Lazarus: The Order of Knighthood and Leprosy
- The Revelation of the Koran and How It Shaped Basic Beliefs in Islam
- Kütahya: Everything You Need To Know
- Kuwait Culture: A Beautiful Poetry
- Kuwait Religions: A Diverse Landscape of Beliefs
- Lamashtu: The Evil Mesopotamian Goddess That Killed Babies
- Lamassu: The Ancient Mesopotamian Human-headed Winged Bull Goddess
- Lebanese Culture: A Lustrous Bundle of Everything
- Lebanese People | Inside Look At The Influential Race In The Arab World
- Lebanese Religion: The Secrets of a Diverse Middle-Eastern Country
- Leontius – Byzantine Empire
- Life Expectancy in Libya
- The Longest Train In The World
- Lydians: The Rise of One of History’s Richest Civilizations
- Republic of Mahabad: State With the Shortest Existence in History
- Mahmoud Darwish: Revolutionary or Romantic?
- Mandeans: Ancient Mesopotamian Religious Group
- Mani: The Last Prophet
- Marduk vs Tiamat: A Passionate Story of Love and Revenge
- Mauritania | People, Language, Religion, & History
- Mazdakism | Offshoot of Zoroastrianism
- The Ancient City of Mecca in Modern Times: How Is the Islamic Capital Changing?
- Melkite Catholicism: An Interesting Mix of Spirituality & Theology
- Mentuhotep II: The Impressive King of a United Egypt
- Mesopotamia Climate: Nature’s Character in the Cradle of Civilization
- Mesopotamian Climate, Agriculture, and the Fertile Crescent
- Mesopotamia Daily Life: The Making of a New Civilization
- Mesopotamia Economy: The Era of Early Opportunity
- Mesopotamia Geography: The Land Between Two Rivers
- Mesopotamia Irrigation: The Promise of a Bountiful Harvest
- Mesopotamia Major Cities: Their Rise and Fall
- Mesopotamian Military: A Combination of Art and Skill
- How Mesopotamia's Social Structure Still Affects Our World Today
- The Incredible Specialized Workers Who Built the Civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia
- Mesopotamian Civilization: A Brief History
- Mesopotamian Homes: The Architectural Design of Mesopotamia
- Mesopotamian Political Structure: A Mythopolitical Landscape
- Mesopotamian Record Keeping: The Origins and Invention of Cuneiform
- Middle Kingdom Egypt: Everything You Need to Know
- Minarets: Towers of Islamic Prayer
- Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi: End of an Era
- Morocco's History: A Beautiful Tapestry of History
- Morocco's Religion: Strict Sunni Islam in a Tourist Country
- Inside a Mosque: Features and Role of Islam’s Most Sacred Place
- Mosul: The Historic Northern City of Iraq
- Muhammad al-Mahdi – Is the Twelfth Imam Already Here?
- The Legendary Mythological Facts of The Mushussu Dragon
- The Muslim Brotherhood Egypt: Surviving Repression
- Nabih Berri | Influential Leader of the Amal
- Babylonian God of Wisdom: A Notable Deity You’ve Never Heard Of
- Nergal and the Extraordinary Soul’s Journey to the Afterlife
- Nestorianism: Facts and Legends Behind This Christian Doctrine
- Ninth Crusade: A Retrospect on the Holy War
- Ninurta: The Ancient Mesopotamian God of Exceptional Powers
- Nouadhibou / Mauritania – The world’s largest ship graveyard
- Nouakchott, Mauritania: The Hidden Pearl of Western Africa
- The Tales of Nyala, Sudan
- The Ottoman Empire: The Sultans of the Middle East
- Ottoman Weapons: Top Most Powerful Weapons of the Ottoman Empire
- Palestine's History: A Country on the Crossroads of Faith
- Palmyra, Syria: Discover the Wonders of This Desert Jewel
- Pazuzu: The Ancient, Terrifying, Mesopotamian Lord of Disease
- Piankhi: The Great Nubian King Who Conquered Egypt
- Psusennes I: The Lost Legacy that Bridges the Gap in Egypt’s History
- Ptolemy II Philadelphus: The Splendor of the Alexandrian Kingdom
- The Punic Wars: The Battle for the Ancient Mediterranean
- Pyramid of Khafre: An Eternal Home for Khafre’s Mummy
- Pyramid of Menkaure: Pharaoh’s Tomb Hides Many Mysteries
- Qadi: Understanding the Role & Function of A Sharia Law Judge
- Qarmatians: Origins, History & Controversies
- Qatar's History Through the Ages
- Rahotep: Unraveling the Life Behind Beauty and Youth
- Ramesses IV: Keeping the Prosperity of The Great Nation
- Ramesseum: A Pharaoh’s Temple That Has Defied Time
- Ramses I: The Rise of a Pharaoh from the Working Class
- Raymond III of Tripoli: The Regent To Underage Kings of Jerusalem
- Religion in Syria – Our Report
- Reza Shah Pahlavi: The Founder of Modern Iran
- Royal Library of Ashurbanipal: The Long Lost House of Ancient Wisdom
- Saladin: Conqueror of the Kingdom of Jerusalem
- Salafism: Living Islam Between Conservatorism and Contemporaneity
- Saudi Arabian Religion: Fascinating Journey to the Birthplace of Islam
- Senenmut: A High-Ranking Commoner Close to the Throne
- Senusret I: The King Who Ruled with Diplomacy and Candor
- Sharia Law: The Law of Muslims Simply Explained by Our Experts
- Shiraz, Iran: A Suggestive Journey Into the Jewel of Ancient Persia
- Sibylla: Queen of Jerusalem and Her Short, Yet Dramatic Life
- Siege of Carthage: The Rise and Fall of a Classical City
- The Sipahi: Ottoman Knights
- Slavery in Mesopotamia: An Awful Ancient Play of Power
- Smenkhkare: The Enigmatic Co-Regent of Ancient Egypt
- Sobek: The Powerful Half-Animal Ward of Osiris and Isis
- Sobekneferu: The Queen Who Reigned as King of Egypt
- Sudanese Culture: Understanding the Diversity
- Sudanese Religion: How Islam Shaped the Culture of an Ancient Country
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- The Suez War: A Canal and its Crisis
- Sumer and Elam War: Evolution of Military Weapons and Tactics
- Sumer Social Class: Navigating Ancient Hierarchy
- Sumer The Earliest Known Ancient Civilization – History of The Sumerians
- Sumerian Art: Discovering the Beauty of the Ancient World
- Sumerian Inventions That You Are Still Probably Using Today
- Sumerian Jewelry: The Origin of Mesopotamian’s Most Valued Jewelry
- Sumerian Military: The Hidden Way of Life Exposed by Archaeologists
- Sumerian Tablets vs. the Bible: Parallels Between the Ancient Tales
- Sunni Islam and Shia: The Ancient Schism. What’s the Difference?
- Syria's History: From the Sumerians to the Assad’s
- The Syriac Catholic Church: A Christian Church In A Muslim World
- Taharqa: The Man From the Ethiopian Dynasty of Egypt
- The Talysh People, The Forgotten People of Old Northern Iran and Azerbaijan
- Temple of Kom Ombo: Egypt’s Best-Hidden Secret
- The 6 Day War: The Genesis of Israel as an International Power
- The Alawites: A Look at the Life of These Mysterious Muslim People
- The Battle of Arsuf: Christian Victory Over Strong Muslim Forces
- Thutmose IV: The Pharaoh Who Came To the Throne Through His Dream
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- What Did the Ottoman Empire Trade? A Detailed Account
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- What Was the Climate Like in Ancient Egypt? Was It Rainy or Dry?
- What Was the Persian Empire Known For: A Beacon of Prosperity
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- When Was Horus Born: The Avenger Son of Egyptian God Osiris
- Where Did the Egyptians Come From? The Tale of the First Settlers
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- Who Was the Last Pharaoh of Egypt? Ancient Eastern Worlds
- Why Did Constantinople Fall? The Byzantines Fall to the Ottomans
- Why Did Egyptians Mummify Their Dead: Religion and the Afterlife
- Why Did Egyptians Wear Wigs: The Adornments of Egypt
- Why Did Persia Become Iran and Why Did Its Name Change
- Why Did the Kingdom of Israel Split? What Was the Aftermath?
- Why Did the Mesopotamians Create Irrigation Systems: Here’s the Truth
- Why Did the Ottoman Empire Fall: The External and Internal Reasons
- Why Did the Ottoman Empire Join WWI: A Historical Study
- Why Did the Persian Empire Fall: An Ancient Colossus’ Demise
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- Yemeni Religion: How They Shaped the Country We Know Now
- Zaidi: A Look Into Its Meaning & Origins
- Zawiya | Islamic Schools for Better Citizenry
- Amenhotep II: The Skillful Archer and Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty
- Amenhotep IV: The Revolutionary Ruler of Ancient Egypt
- Cleopatra III: The Widely Acclaimed Daughter of the King
- Darius II: How He Became the King of Kings in Persia
- Heqet: The Frog Goddess of Fertility in Ancient Egypt
- Horus vs Ra: The Mythical Eye of Horus and Eye of Ra
- Analyzing the Exodus: How Did the Israelites Become Enslaved in Egypt?
- Merneptah: Military Actions That Built the Kingdom of Egypt
- Ptolemy VIII Physcon: The Pride That Brought Peace to Egypt
- Thutmose I: A Commoner and a Military Man on the Throne
- Thutmose II: The Underrated 18th Dynasty Pharaoh of Egypt
- Devshirme | A tradition of Elite Training & Slavery
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- Ahmose I: King of the New Kingdom Who Created a Powerful Dynasty
- The Second Battle of El Alamein: Success and Stories
- Thutmose III: The Greatest Tactician and Wealthiest Pharaoh of His Era
- Ottoman Empire Slavery: Men, Women and Children Slaves
- The Ottoman Empire's Social Structure: The Reason Behind the Empire’s Fall
- Ottoman Empire Trade Routes: Farming and Trading via Land and Sea
- The Sultanate of Women and Their Game of Power and Influence
- Temple of Horus: The Ancient Place of Love and Praise
- Valley of the Queens: A Graveyard of Female Egyptian Royalties
- Xerxes: The Notorious Persian Ruler and His Greek Invasion
- Kamose: The Pharaoh Who Led the Drive To Free Egypt From the Hyksos
- Amenhotep III: The Man Who Ruled Egypt in Peace and Prosperity
- Hatshepsut: The Woman Who Became the King of Egypt
- Seti I: The Phenomenal Egyptian Pharaoh of the New Kingdom
- Shamash: The Ancient Mesopotamian Sun God of Justice and Morality
- Tiamat: The Primordial Sea Goddess Who Died From Her Own Vengeance
- Amenhotep I: How the King Helped Shape the Civilization of Ancient Egypt
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- Battle of Actium: The Grand Naval Battle to Remember
- Egyptian Astrology: Are You Amun-Ra, Anubis or Osiris?
- Khonsu: The God of the Moon and Protector of Night Travelers
- Maat: The Goddess Who Oversaw the Everyday Life of Ancient Egyptians
- Ottoman Architecture: A Tale of Illustrious Passion and Art
- Sekhmet: The Goddess of War and Guardian of the Pharaohs of Egypt
- Seshat: The Deity Whose Presence Was Felt in Major Egyptian Temples
- Ninhursag: How the Deity of Malgum Became the Mother Goddess of Sumer
- Assyrian Captivity: A Captivity that lost tribes in History
- Cleopatra VII: The Woman Who Served as the Last Egyptian Queen
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- First Battle of El Alamein: How the Tide of Events Changed
- Homosexuality in Ancient Egypt: The Queer Side of This Ancient Empire
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- Darius the Great: The Genius Leading the Persian Empire Into Golden Age
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- Mustafa I: The Saint and the Mad Monarch Who Reigned Twice
- Ramses II: The Exceptional Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty
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- List of Pharaohs: The Powerful Kings and Queens of Egypt
- Cambyses II: The Antagonist–Protagonist King of Persia
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- Anunnaki Bible: The Ancient Source of Magic and Long Life
- How To Get To Valhalla: The Dos and Don'ts
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- Norse vs Celtic: The Battle of Ancient Mythologies
- Owls In Norse Mythology: The God of Wisdom
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- Greek Mythology Timeline: A Thoroughly Concluded Record
- What Happened in the Year 666: Ancient Kings Conquering and Fighting
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- Aergia: The Greek and Roman Goddess of Laziness and Idleness
- Ampelus Greek Mythology: Discover the Reckless Lover of Dionysus
- Byzas: The Megarian Founder and the King of Byzantium
- Children of Hades
- Evil Gods and Giants from Norse Mythology
- Lycurgus the Spartan Lawgiver
- Persian Wedding Traditions: Extravagant Customs Still Followed Now
- Sumerian Goddesses: The Superwomen of the Mesopotamian Pantheon
- The Celtic Carnyx
- The Sword of Damocles
- The True Route of the Odyssey
- Why Did the Crusaders Attack Constantinople During The Fourth Crusade?
- Why Were Scribes Important: The Reason Civilization Flourished
- Hebros (Hebrus): The River God in Greek Mythology
- Kleio (Clio): The Muse of History
- Lelantos: The Invisible Titan God of Greek Mythology
- Manticore vs Sphinx: The Hybrid Creatures of Different Mythologies
- Phthia Greece: The Setting of Achilles’ Life in Greek Mythology
- Thanatos vs Hades: The Carrier of Death and King of the Dead
- The Myth of the Lapiths vs Centaurs in Greek Mythology
- Bishop David, Uncle of King Arthur
- Cydfan, Son of King Arthur
- Duran, Son of King Arthur
- Gwydre, Son of King Arthur
- Llacheu, Son of King Arthur
- Sir Borre, Son of King Arthur
- Smerbe, Son of King Arthur
- Cywryd Gwent, Father-in-Law of King Arthur
- Gogfran Gawr, Father-in-Law of King Arthur
- Gwenhwyfar I, Wife of King Arthur
- Gwenhwyfar II, Wife of King Arthur
- Gwenhwyfar III, Wife of King Arthur
- Gwythyr, Father-in-Law of King Arthur
- Hoel of Brittany, Nephew of King Arthur
- King Arthur’s Mysterious Sister, Ancestress of the Kings of Britain
- King Budic III of Brittany, Brother-in-Law of King Arthur
- King Theuderic, Nephew of King Arthur
- Saint Efflam, Cousin of King Arthur
- Saint Tydecho, Relative of King Arthur
- Amlawdd Wledig, Ancestor of King Arthur
- Illtud, Cousin of King Arthur
- King Constantine of Cornwall, Successor of King Arthur
- King Geraint of Dumnonia, Brother-in-Law of King Arthur
- The Battle of Llongborth
- Uther Pendragon, Father of King Arthur
- Elen, Sister of King Arthur
- Eliwlod, Nephew of King Arthur
- Gwyar, Sister of King Arthur
- Madoc, Son of Uther Pendragon
- The Wives of Zeus: The Mythology Behind Zeus’ Lovers
- Was Malta the Real Atlantis?
- What Was the Legend of Atlantis?
- Was Agamemnon the King of Mycenae or Argos?
- Was Homer’s Island of Scheria the Real Atlantis?
- Aetna Greek Mythology: The Story of A Mountain Nymph
- Alope: The Granddaughter of Poseidon Who Gave Her Own Baby
- Anticlea in The Odyssey: A Mother’s Soul
- The Island of the Lotus-Eaters: Odyssey Drug Island
- Was Achilles a Real Person – Legend or History

By Timeless Myths
Timeless Myths. "Site Map." Accessed March 24, 2025.
Created: September 27th, 2024
Modified: October 15th, 2024