Goddess of the forest, hunting, and wild beasts. Flidais was not only the huntress of wild animals, she was also their protector. Flidais was the mistress of stags, who had a chariot pulled by deer.
Flidais was the mother of several daughters who were druidesses or witches such as Bé Chuille, Dianann (Dinand), Bé Téite, and Fand; the last daughter being the wife of Manannán Mac Lir. Both Bé Chuille and Dianann aided the Tuatha Dé Danann against the Fomorians in the Second Battle of Mag Tuired. They used their sorcery to create illusions.
Flidais was also a fertility goddess, the only one beside Queen Medb of Connacht who could satisfy Fergus Mac Roich. Otherwise, Fergus would need seven ordinary women in his bed.
Related Information
Flidais, Flidas, Flidhais, Fliodhais.
Related Articles
Bé Chuille, Dianann (Dinand), Fand, Manannán Mac Lir, Fergus Mac Roich, Medb.

By Jimmy Joe