The master artificer. Credne was the god of gold. Credne was one of three divine craftsmen; they were known as na tri dée Dána. The other two craftsmen were Goibhniu and Luchta.
Sometimes Credne was called the son of Esarg and grandson of Neit, which made him the brother of Goibhniu, Luchta and Dian Cécht. Credne was also known as the son of Ethliu, which made him the brother of Dagda, Nuada, Dian Cécht, Goibhniu, Luchta and Lug Mac Cein.
Since Credne was a goldsmith, he assisted Dian Cecht in making the silver arm for Nuada Airgetlám.
Credne assisted Goibhniu and Luchta in making new weapons and repairing damaged weapons.
Credne drowned looking for treasure in Spain (the Land of the Dead).
Related Information
Credne, Crédne, Creidne, Credhne, Creidhne.
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By Jimmy Joe