The master smith. Goibhniu was the smith god. He was one of three divine craftsmen; they were known as na tri dée Dána. The other two craftsmen were Credne and Luchta. He also possessed the Mead of Youth.
Goibhniu was known as the son of Dian Cécht and Danu. Goibhniu had two brothers: Cian or Kian (father of Lugh), and Sawan. Sometimes, Goibhniu was called the son of Esarg and grandson of Neit, which made him the brother of Credné, Luchta and Dian Cécht. Goibhniu was also known as the son of Ethliu, which made him the brother of Dagda, Nuada, Dian Cécht, Credne, Luchta and Lug Mac Cein.
Goibhniu raised Lugh, teaching the boy many different skills in his crafts.
During the second battle of Moytura, Goibhniu and other craftsmen, Credné (artificer) and Luchtainel or Luchta (carpenter or wright) quickly repaired the damaged weapons for the Dananns. The three craftsmen were a triad of gods of skills called "Na tri dee dana". Some say that the other two craftsmen were his brothers.
Goibhniu killed Rúadan, the son of Bres and Bríg (Brigit) who had tried to murder the smith.
In Welsh myths, his Welsh counterpart was called Govannon who had killed Dylan, the son of Aranrhod.
Related Information
Goban, Goibniu, Goibhniu (Irish).
Gofannon, Govannon (Welsh).
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Danu, Dian Cécht, Cian (Kian), Lugh.
Book of Invasions.
Govannon, Dylan, Aranrhod.
By Jimmy Joe