Sky goddess or sun goddess. Ainé was also seen as the Irish goddess of human love and the goddess of fertility of animals and agriculture.
Ainé (Aine) was the daughter of Eógabal and the sister of Fer Í. In some other texts, she was the daughter of Fer Í and Eógabal was her grandfather.
She appeared as the patron goddess of the province Munster, where her festival was celebrated on Midsummer Eve at Knockainy (Hill of Aine).
In the tale Cath Maige Mucrama (Battle of Mag Mucrama), her father was Eógabal, the foster son of Manannán, whom Ailill Aulomm (son of Eógan Mór) killed. Ailill then raped her, where she conceived Eógan. Eogan later became the king of Munster, and was the founder of the famous dynasty - the Eóganacht.
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Aine, Ainé.
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By Jimmy Joe