493 Stories
Uther Pendragon is one of the key figures in the Arthurian legends, by virtue of the fact that he was the father of King Arthur himself. He was the...
The Battle of Llongborth is a fairly obscure battle in the Arthurian legends, but there is evidence that it was a very important one. In fact, the ...
Smerbe is the legendary son of King Arthur according to some medieval records. There are almost no surviving stories about him, but he has a fairly...
Sir Borre appears in the Arthurian legends as a Knight of the Round Table and as the son of King Arthur . Nonetheless, he only has a very minor rol...
Tydecho, usually known as Saint Tydecho, was a religious figure in medieval Wales who appears in some of the Arthurian legends. Although he does no...
Saint Efflam was a religious figure from the sixth century. He has a minor role in the Arthurian legends. In this relatively small role, he helps K...
Madoc is a minor character who appears in the Arthurian legends, but he is significant in that he is presented as the brother of King Arthur . He d...
Llacheu is a significant character from the Arthurian legends, inasmuch as he was one of Arthur’s closest family members. He was the son of the kin...
King Theuderic was a prince -- and later king -- of Brittany who does not appear prominently in the Arthurian legends, but he did have a close conn...
King Geraint of Dumnonia was an important king in Arthur’s time and also one of his relatives. He appears as an ally of Arthur in the Arthurian leg...
Eliwlod is a minor character in the Arthurian legends who is known only from a few Welsh sources. Despite this minor role, he was closely related t...
In many of the Arthurian legends, Arthur is succeeded as High King by Constantine, a member of the dynasty that ruled over Cornwall. This figure is...