Bé Chuille & Dianann
Druidesses or sorceresses. Bé Chuille and Dianann were daughters of the woodland goddess Flidais. They were sisters of Bé Téite, and possibly of Fand, wife of Manannán Mac Lir.
Bé Chuille was among those listed who fought in the First Battle of Mag Tuired, when the Tuatha Dé Danann fought against the Firbolgs.
In the Second Battle of Mag Tuired, the two sisters aided the Tuatha Dé Danann in the war against the Fomorians, using their sorcery to conjure grass and leaves to create illusions of a host of Danann warriors. The Fomorian warrior Dé Domnann killed Dianann in the fighting.
Bé Chuille was also gifted with divination, and she foretold the number of Danann who would die in the battle against the Milesians.
Related Information
Bé Chuille, Becuille.
Dianann, Dinand.
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By Jimmy Joe