Nemedian chieftain. Iarbonél was known as the Soothsayer or the Prophet. Though strangely enough, he never uttered a single prophecy in the Lebor Gabala.
Iarbonél was the son of Nemed and Macha. Iarbonél was also the brother of Starn and Ainninn, and half brother of Fergus Lethderg. Iarbonél married Machu and became the father of Béothach.
As Nemed's son, Iarbonél was one of the four Nemedian chieftains and he fought against the Fomorians in battles. Iarbonél and Fergus were the only brothers left, surviving the last battle with the Fomorians, before they decided to leave Ireland. Fergus migrated east to Alba (Scotland), where he became the ancestor of the Britons, and Britain Mael, Fergus' son, was the eponym of Britain. Semion, the great-grandson of Starn, migrated to Greece where his descendants became the Firbolgs.
Iarbonél and Béothach chose to migrate north where they became ancestors of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
See the Nemedians in the Book of Invasions.
Related Information
Iarbonél, Iarbonel.
Iarbonél the Soothsayer.
Related Articles
Nemed. Tuatha De Danann.
See Book of Invasions: Nemedians.
Genealogy: Nemedians.

By Jimmy Joe