The bards were poets, musicians and singers in the Celtic world. They were required to master hundreds of verses or develop new ones, without the use of writing. The bards passed down their poems or songs as oral tradition to their apprentices, from generation to generation. Like the druids, the bards enjoyed special treatment in their normally warrior society.
Again, like the druids, they had special powers other than inspiration, eloquence and poetry. Some of their powers were magical in nature. Some bards acquired the gift of divination or insight. In the Book of Invasions, the Milesian bard Amairgin had the power to calm a storm with his music, just like Orpheus in the Jason-Argonaut myth.
Some kings and champions (like Finn Mac Cumhaill), as well as druids were all required to learn poetry and verse, as part of their training. Because the druids, seers and bards had the same powers, it was sometimes difficult to distinguish between them. Some heroes in the Irish myths had many skills which included poetry and music, like Dagda, Lugh and Finn Mac Cumhaill, but they are listed elsewhere instead of here.
Below, I have listed some famous poets and musicians.
For Myrddin, see Merlin.

By Jimmy Joe