Finn Mac Cumhaill
The greatest Fianna warrior in the Fenian cycle. Finn was the son of Cumhaill and Muirenn (Muirne, Murna), who was the daughter of the druid Tadg and the granddaughter of Nuada of the Silver Hand.
During the reign of Conn, his father died before he was born, in a clan war against the Clan Morna; when Goll Mac Morna challenged Cumhaill's leadership of the Fianna (rígfhéinnid). Muirenn fled with two nurses to a forest named Slieve Bloom, where he was born. Muirenn called him Demna, but one of his nurses called him Finn, which means "the Fair One". To prevent the men of Morna from killing his son, Muirenn left Finn in the care of the two nurses, hoping to draw the Morna away from the forest. One nurse was named Liath Luachra or Liathluchra, while the other was the druidess Bodhmall, possibly the sister of Muirenn.
As Finn became a young man, he set about becoming chieftain of Clan Baiscne and restoring his clan to the Fianna. Finn had to undergo a series of tests, set up by the Fianna. After successfully completing all the requirements, the Clan Baiscne rejoined the Fianna and Finn became the chieftain of his clan. Cormac Mac Airt only awarded Finn with the leadership of Fianna, when he saved Tara and killed a goblin.
Finn had a pair of hunting hounds named Bran and Sceolang. The mother of Bran and Sceolang was actually a Danann woman named Uirne or Tuirn, who was transformed into a she-dog while she was still pregnant, by a jealous mistress of her husband. Uirne regained her human form after she gave birth to Bran and Sceolang, but her sons remained in the form of the hounds. Uirne was the sister of Muirenn and the aunt of Finn. So these hounds were actually Finn's cousins. The hounds were known for their speed and their human intelligence. In other tales, Finn had a third hound named Lomair (possibly a sibling of Bran and Sceolang) or Adnúall.
Finn married the hind-woman named Sadb (Saba or Blái), whom a Dark Druid had fallen in love with. However, the Dark Druid abducted Sadb during his absence in a war. Although Finn never saw Sadb again, the hero did find their son, whom he named Oisín (Oisin).
Finn had other children by other women. In the Acallam na Senórach, he was the father of Raige Rosclethan (the "Wide-Eyed") and Caince Corcairderg (the "Purple-Red"). Finn was also the father of a son named Dáire Derg, and of a daughter named Lugach. Dáire slept with his sister when he was drunk at Taurmore. Lugach begat a son named Mac Lugach. Finn blessed his grandson, naming him Gaine ("Blessing"). At the time, Lugh was married to Mongfinn.
Finn also had a son named Fiachna and a foster-son named Innsa, the son of Swena Selga, who appeared in the Hostel of the Quicken-Tree.
Finn became less of an ideal and romantic hero as he grew older. Finn was past his prime when he was engaged to Gráinne (Grainne), daughter of Cormac Mac Airt. However, Grainne was in love with Díarmait, the younger companion of Finn, whom she eloped with. Finn pursued the young couple until Cormac forced Finn to make peace with them. When Díarmait was mortally wounded by a boar, Finn, who had never forgiven his former comrade, let the healing water slip from his fingers. Díarmait died from his wounds.
There are several accounts of his death. There was even a story in which Finn did not die, rather that he slept in the Otherworld until Ireland would face great danger.
According to Cath Gabhra (The Battle of Gabhair), five men murdered Finn at Garristown. While in the Aided Finn (The Violent Death of Finn), Aichlech Mac Dubdrenn killed Finn in battle at Ath Brea (Ford of Brea).
Related Information
Finn - the Fair One.
Finn, Fionn.
Feunn (Scottish).
Finn MacCumhaill, Fionn MacCool, Feunn Mac Cüail.
Demna, Demne, Demne Máel.
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By Jimmy Joe