Mac Lughach
Mac Lughach was another better known grandson of Finn Mac Cumhaill. But according to one early text, Mac Lughach was the son of Lugaid Lága.
However, in some later texts, such as Acallam na Senórach, Mac Lughach had different parents. Finn had a son named Dáire Derg and a daughter named Lugach. One day in Tara, while Dáire Derg was drunk drinking from ale, Dáire slept with his sister. So from this incestuous union, Mac Lughach was born.
Whoever Mac Lughach's parents were, Finn placed his grandson in the care of Mongfhind (Mongfinn), the nurse and teacher of the Fianna, until he was twelve. But in Acallam na Senórach, Mongfhind was Finn's wife. Then Mongfhind gave the boy a full set of armour and weapon, and sent Mac Lughach to his grandfather in Sliab Bladma (Slieve Bloom) for military training with the Fianna.
At thirteen, Mac Lughach caused distress among some Fian men, because the boy could out-hunt them. The entire Fianna complained to Finn that Mac Lughach had to leave. When Finn discovered that they were jealous of the boy's agility and skills with weapons in the hunt, his grandfather gave Mac Lughach advice on how to behave.
Mac Lughach was one of Finn's trusted warriors, skilled with weapons and music. He fought in the Battle of Gabhra, where Bresal, son of Éirge and grandson of King of the Irish Vikings, killed Mac Lughach.
Related Information
Mac Lughach, Mac Lugach, Lewy.
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By Jimmy Joe