Lugaid Lága
Champion of Lugaid Mac Con and later of Cormac Mac Airt. Lugaid Lága was the brother of Ailill Aulomm.
Instead of serving his nephew Eógan, son of Ailill, he was the follower of Lugaid Mac Con, his brother's foster son. He took part in the Battle of Cenn Abrat, but followed Lugaid Mac Con into exile to Albany, when Eógan was victorious.
When another battle took place at Maige Mucrama, it was Lugaid Lága who killed Art Óenfher, the father of Cormac Mac Airt. When Lugaid Mac Con had to abdicate to Cormac Mac Airt, then Lugaid Lága, slayer of Art, served Art's son.
Lugaid Lága was known as one of Ireland's five great warriors. He was the protector of Uirne, the sister of Muirenn Mucháem and mother of the hounds Bran and Sceolang.
Related Information
Lugaid Lága.
Lugaid, Lewy.
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By Jimmy Joe