Emer was the daughter of Fogall (Forgall) Manach, an Ulster chieftain. Cu Chulainn came to woo her one day, but she refused to accept him until he had been trained as a warrior and performed some heroic feat. Cu Chulainn went to Scathach for training, and upon his return to Ireland he single-handedly killed all the sons of Nechtan, who had a dun at the border of Connacht.
Her father Fogall, hearing of Cu Chulainn, did not want the youth as his son-in-law. Fogall died trying to escape Cu Chulainn before the hero carried off Emer to Emain Macha for marriage.
Emer, we are told, had the six gifts of womanhood; she had the gift of beauty, voice, sweet speech, needlework wisdom and chastity.
Emer was aware of Cu Chulainn' countless infidelities, but was never jealous until Cu Chulainn met Fand, a Danann and wife of Manannán Mac Lir. Emer was determined to have her killed, when Cu Chulainn came to Fand's defence. There they talked until Emer decided to leave the hero with Fand. Fand also decided to leave her lover with his wife. It was decided when Fand returned to her own husband. Manannan used his magic cloak to make the lovers forget one another.
Cu Chulainn stayed with his wife with no memories of ever meeting Fand.
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Cu Chulainn, Manannán Mac Lir.
Genealogy: House of the Red Branch.

By Jimmy Joe