Lugaid Mac Cú Roí
A warrior from Munster. Lugaid (Lewy) was the son of Cú Roi (king of Munster) and Bláithíne (Blathnat).
When Cú Chulainn (Cu Chulainn) killed his father, Lugaid conspired with Medb (Maeve), seeking the hero's downfall.
Lugaid killed Cu Chulainn by hurling the hero's own spear (gae bolg) back at him. When the dying Ulster hero drank water from the lake, Lugaid beheaded Cu Chulainn. Lugaid had his own hand severed when Cu Chulainn dropped his sword. Lugaid also cut off Cu Chulainn's hand in revenge.
Conall Cernach arrived too late to save Cu Chulainn, but pursued his enemies. Conall pursued and killed many enemies before he beheaded Lugaid. Conall returned Cu Chulainn's head and body to Emain Macha for burial.
Related Information
Lugaid MacCú Roí, Lugaid Mac Cúroí.
Lugaid, Ludhaid, Lúí (Irish).
Lewy, Luga (English).
Related Articles
Cú Roi, Cú Chulainn, Conall Cernach, Medb.
Genealogy: House of the Red Branch.

By Jimmy Joe