Cet Mac Maga
Champion of Connacht. Cet was the son of Maga and brother of Anluan. Cet was Connacht's greatest warrior. Cet was sometimes called Cettmac Conlingas.
According to Feast of Mac Datho's Pig, Cet wounded Cúscraid, son of Conchobar Mac Nessa, in the neck, so that Cúscraid couldn't talk without stammering. Cet attacked Cúscraid when the latter raided his cattle. So Conchobar's son was known as Cúscraid Menn or Cúscraid the Stammerer.
Cettmac was indirectly involved with death of Conchobar Mac Nessa. Conall created a brain-ball, a bullet for a sling, bur Cet stole the brain-ball from Conchobar's palace. With his sling, Cet used the brain-ball, which became lodged in Conchobar's head. Though Conchobar survived the attack, the physicians told the king to never get excited, otherwise his brain would explode. Conchobar died seven years later, after the attack.
Conall Cernach killed Cet during the feast at Mesroda Mac Datho's dun at Leinster.
Related Information
Cet MacMaga, Cettmac Conlingas.
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By Jimmy Joe