Ailill Mac Mata
Ailill was the king of Connacht. Ailill was the son of Russ Ruad, and he had two brothers, Connra Cas and Eochaid Dála, who were also kings of Connacht.
Ailill was married to Medb (Maeve), who became his queen. The real power seemed to come from his wife, as she may have been the sovereignty goddess of Connacht. And not only this, but all three sons of Russ Ruad only became kings when each of them married Maeve.
Medb bore him three daughters, Finnabair, Cainder and Faife. Ailill also had seven sons and they were all named Maine, because a prophecy said that his son (Maine) would kill King Conchobar of Ulster.
The quarrel between Ailill and his wife, regarding who had the best bull in Connacht, set off the war between Connacht and Ulster. Ailill possessed Finnbennach, the White Bull of Connacht; and Medb had none that matched her husband's prized bull. Medb decided to take Donn Cuailnge, which is the Brown Bull of Cuailnge (Cooley), by force, since she couldn't buy it or borrow it from the owner. In the end, Connacht was defeated when Cu Chulainn took part in the battle, and their allied provinces deserted them. Both bulls killed one another at the end of the tale, so neither Ailill nor Medb won their wager.
Ailill knew of his wife's numerous infidelities, particularly with Fergus Mac Roich, a former captain of the Red Branch. Fergus rebelled against Conchobar Mac Nessa (king of Ulster) over the death of sons of Uisnech. Fergus came to his court as an exile with his followers.
One day, after the death of Cu Chulainn, Ailill jealously murdered Fergus while he bathed in a lake. The hero Conall Cernach avenged Fergus by slaying Ailill.
Related Information
Ailill Mac Mata, Ailill MacMata.
Ulaid Cycle.
Related Articles
Medb (Maeve), Fergus Mac Roich, Cu Chulainn, Conall Cernach.
Genealogy: House of Connacht.

By Jimmy Joe