Coirpre Mac Etaíne (Cairbre)
A very important Danann poet or satirist. Coirpre Mac Etaine (or Cairbre mac Ethne) was the son of Etan, daughter of Dian Cécht. His father was possibly Ogma. Coirpre was the father of Cerna or Cerniam.
Coirpre was part of the envoy to the Firbolg king, in the First Battle of Mag Tuired. Coirpre was responsible for the first satire in Ireland, when he used satire against Bres. It was his satire that made red blotches marring Bres' face. Such disfigurement would cause him to abdicate the crown.
His satire was also powerful enough to cause the Fomorians to lose their courage and morale during the Second Battle of Mag Tuired.
Later, Coirpre gained a shield from Finn Mac Cumhaill, in exchange for a poem. This shield was made from the head of Balor.
Related Information
Coirpre, Corpre, Cairbre.
Coirpre Mac Etaíne, Corpre Mac Etoine, Cairbre Mac Ethne.
Related Articles
Ogma, Dian Cécht, Bres.

By Jimmy Joe