Medb (Maeve)
Medb was the warrior queen of Connacht during the Ulaid Cycle. She was also called Maeve. Medb was remembered as the queen who took on the might of Ulaid (Ulster).
Medb was the daughter of Eochaid Feidlech, who was the king of Leinster and of Cruachu. Medb always claimed that she resided in Cruachain, which was named after her mother.
Some confused her with another queen or goddess whose name was Medb Lethderg, the sovereignty goddess of Tara and queen of Leinster. If she was a goddess, then she would be the sovereignty goddess of Connacht. This is particularly true since she married the three sons of Russ Ruad of Leinster; each brother only became king when he married Maeve. The sons of Russ Ruad were named, Tinde (son of Connra Cas), Eochaid Dála, and Ailill Mac Mata.
Some said she was possibly one of the aspects of Morrígan (Morrigan). For any one who wished to become king, they had to enter a sacred marriage with the sovereignty of the land (Connacht), and she was Maeve.
Ailill and his brothers were not the only kings she married. Medb had three sisters, Clothra, Eithne and Mugain, and all four of them married King Conchobar of Ulster. (Medb probably had another two sisters named Derbriu and Ele.) Conchobar was probably her first husband.
When Medb left Conchobar, she killed her pregnant sister, Clothra. However, Clothra's son by Conchobar somehow survived. Her nephew was named Furbaide Ferbend, who would avenge his mother (Clothra) and kill Medb as she bathed in the spring.
By Ailill, Medb bore three daughters: Finnabair, Cainder and Faife. Medb was also the mother of sevens sons, and they were all named Maine, because they had heard from a prophecy that said that her son (Maine) would kill King Conchobar of Ulster.
Conchobar Mac Nessa and Ulster were Connacht's traditional rival and chief enemy.
Medb was renowned for a number of infidelities she had committed, particularly her long liason with Fergus Mac Roich, Ulaid exile and former leader of the Red Branch. By Fergus, Medb was also the mother of Ciar and Conmac. She once boasted that it took 32 men to satisfy her sexually.
Cu Chulainn was responsible for her defeat in the cattle raid of Cuailnge. She later sought Cu Chulainn's death. She allied herself with Lugaid Mac Cu Roi and the daughters of Calatin. They lured him to fight her army alone. The combination of breaking his geis and magic resulted in Cu Chulainn's death.
When her husband killed her lover Fergus, and Conall Cernach in turn killed Ailill, Medb retired to an island. Furbaide Ferbend, son of Conchobar and Clothra (her sister), killed her where she was to known to bathe regularly in the lake.
Related Information
Medb, Medhbh (Irish).
Maeve, Maev (English).
Ulaid Cycle.
Related Articles
Morrígan, Ailill, Conchobar, Cu Chulainn, Lugaid Mac Cu Roi.
Genealogy: House of Connacht.

By Jimmy Joe