Crew List of the Argo
The list of Argonauts who sailed with Jason are those given by the Alexandrian author, Apollonius of Rhodes. He gives the most complete account of the quest for the Golden Fleece.
Jason (Ἰάσων) | son of Aeson & Alcimede; captain of Argo |
Argus (Ἄργος) | builder of Argo |
Aethalides (Αἰθαλίδης) | son of Hermes & Eupolemeia; herald of Argos |
Tiphys (Τιφυς) | son of Hagnias or Phorbas & Hyrmina, from Boeotia; pilot |
Ancaeus (Ἀνκαεος, pilot) & Erginus | sons of Poseidon & Astypalea, from Miletus |
sons of Aeacus & Endeis or Creüsa, from Phthia and Salamis | |
Castor (Κάστωρ) | son of Tyndareus & Leda, (Dioscuri), from Sparta |
Polydeuces (Πολυδεύκης) | son of Zeus & Leda, (Dioscuri), from Sparta |
sons of Aphareus & Arene, from Arene | |
Orpheus (Ὀρφεύς) | son of Oeager & Calliope, from Thrace |
Meleager (Μελέαγρος) | son of Oeneus or Ares & Althaea, from Calydon |
Laocoon (Λαοκόων) | uncle of Meleager, from Calydon |
Heracles (Ἡρακλἣς) | son of Zeus & Alcmene, from Tiryns |
Polyphemus (Πολύφημος) | son of Eilatus & Hippea, from Arcadia |
Hylas (Ὓλας) | son of Theiodamas & Menodice |
Ancaeüs (Ἀνκαεος) | son of Lycurgus & Cleophyle or Eurynome, from Arcadia |
Aphidamas & Cepheus (Κηφεύς) | sons of Aleus & Neaera, from Arcadia; uncles of Ancaeüs |
sons of Boreas & Oreithyia (Boreades) | |
Euphemus (Εὔφημος) | son of Poseidon & Europa, from Taenarus |
Iphiclus (Ἴφικλος) | son of Phylacus & Clymene, from Phylace |
Idmon (Ἴδμων) | son of Apollo or Abas & Cyrene or Asteria, from Argos; seer |
Mopsus (Μόψος) | son of Ampycus & Chloris; Lapith seer |
Acastus (Ἄκαστος) | son of Pelias & Anaxibia or Phylomache, from Iolcus |
Erytus (Ἔρυτος) & Echion (Ἐχίων) | sons of Hermes & Antianeira, from Alope |
Coronus (Κόρωνος) | son of Caenus, a Lapith from Thessaly |
Admetus (Ἄδμητος) | son of Pheres & Periclymene, from Pheres |
Periclymenus (Περικλύμενος) | son of Neleus & Chloris, from Pylus |
Augeias (Αὐγείας) | son of Poseidon or Phorbas & Hyrmina, from Elis |
Talaus, Leodocus & Areus | sons of Bias & Pero, from Argos |
Menoetius (Μενοίτιος) | son of Actor & Aegina, from Phocis |
Clytius (Κλυτίος) & Iphitus (Ἰφιτος) | sons of Eurytus, from Oechalia |
Butes (Βούτης) | son of Teleon or Poseidon & Zeuxippe, from Athens |
Phalerus (Φάληρος) | son of Alcon, from Athens |
Eurytion (Εὐρυτίων) | son of Irus & Demonassa, from Phthia |
Iphiclus (Ιφικλοιο) | son of Thestius, from Aetolia |
Phlias (Φλίας) | son of Dionysus or Ceisus & Araethyrea |
Nauplius (Ναύπλιος) | son of Clytoneus, from Argos |
Oïleus (Οἰλεύς) | son of Hodoedocus & Agrianome, from Locris |
Eurydamas | son of Ctimenus, a Dolopian |
Amphion & Asterius | sons of Hyperasius, from Pallene |
Canthus | son of Canethus, from Euboea |
Eribotes | son of Teleon, from Athens |
Palaemon | son of Hephaestus or Lernus, from Aetolia |
Iphitus (Ἰφιτος) | son of Naubolus, from Phocis |
Asterion | son of Cometes & Antigone |
Some other writers give different lists of Argonauts.
Pindar was a lyric poet of the 6th-5th century BCE who wrote a number of odes to commemorate the atheletes of ancient Greek games such as Olympian, Ishtmian, Nemean and Pythian games, as well as commemorate mythical figures. Pindar gave a brief description of the adventures of the Argonauts and only named a few heroes in Pythian Ode IV. Here is a short list of Argonauts from Pindar, in Pythian Ode IV:
Jason (Ιασων) | son of Aeson & Alcimede; captain of Argo |
Heracles (Ηρακλης) | son of Zeus & Alcmene, from Tiryns |
Castor (Καστωρ) | son of Tyndareus & Leda, (Dioscuri), from Sparta |
Polydeuces (Πολυδευκους) | son of Zeus & Leda, (Dioscuri), from Sparta |
Euphemus (Ευφημος) | son of Poseidon & Europa, from Taenarus |
Periclymenus (Περικλύμενος) | son of Poseidon (or Neleus) & Chloris, from Pylus |
Orpheus (Ορφεως) | son of Oeager & Calliope, from Thrace |
Erytus (Ἔρυτος) & Echion (Ἐχίων) | sons of Hermes & Antianeira, from Alope |
sons of Boreas & Oreithyia (Boreades) | |
Mopsus (Μοψος) | son of Ampycus & Chloris; Lapith seer |
Apollodorus and Hyginus gave a full list of names, adding a few names not included in Apollonius' list.
Here are some of the members not listed in the work by Apollonius of Rhodes. These names came from the Greeks, Apollodorus (Library I.9.16), Diodorus Siculus and Pausanias, and the Roman Hyginus.
Actor (Ἄκτωρ) | son of Deïon, from Phocis |
Amphiaraüs (´Αμφιαραους) | son of Oécles, from Argos |
Ascalaphus (Ἀσκάλαφος) | son of Ares, from Orchomenus |
Autolycus (´Αυτολυκος) | son of Deimachus or Hermes |
Caeneus (Καινεος) | son of father of Coronus, the Lapith |
Deileon | son of Deimachus |
Deucalion (Δευκαλιων) | son of Minos, from Crete |
Hippalcimus | son of Itonus |
Iphitus (Ἰφιτος) | son of Sthenelus, from Mycenae |
Laertes (Λαέρτης) | son of Arcreisius & Chalcomedusa, from Argos |
Leitus (Λήιτος) | son of Alector & Cleobule |
Melampus (Μελάμπους) | son of Poseidon, from Pylus |
Penelaus | son of Hippalcimus, from Boeotia |
Phanus & Staphylus | sons of Dionysus, from Crete |
Poeas (Ποίας) | father of Philoctetes |
Atalanta (Ἀταλάντη) | Arcadian or Boeotian huntress |
There is also a list of Argonauts found in the work of Valerius Flaccus, but as of yet, I have not read his version of the Argonautica.

By Jimmy Joe