The following books are translations that I have read. If you are interested in reading this literature, then I would highly recommend that you read these books. These books are the main sources of information for Timeless Myths.
Most of these books are actually books that I have bought over the years. A few books listed here were books I either borrowed or read in the library.
The Iliad
translated by Robert Fitzgerald
Oxford University Press, 1974
Highly Recommended
This is more a verse version of the Iliad.
The Iliad
translated by E. V. Rieu
Penguin Classics, 1946
Highly Recommended
My first book in the Classics collection. See the Iliad. This is set in the ninth year of the Trojan War. It is a lot easier to read than Fitzgerald. My only problem with this translation is the use of Roman names in a Greek epic, like Jove or Jupiter, Juno, Neptune and Ulysses.
The Iliad
translated by Robert Fagles, introduction and notes by Bernard Knox
Penguin Classics, 1996
Highly Recommended
The best translation in verse of the Iliad.
The Odyssey
translated by E. V. Rieu
Penguin Classics, 1950
Highly Recommended
The adventures and voyages of Odysseus (Ulysses). See the Odyssey. Like Rieu's translation of The Iliad, Rieu tends to use of Roman names in a Greek epic, like Jove or Jupiter, Juno, Neptune and Ulysses.
The Odyssey
translated by Robert Fagles, introduction and notes by Bernard Knox
Penguin Classics, 1996
Highly Recommended
The best verse version of the Odyssey, and without doubt, my favourite translation of The Odyssey.
Theogony / Works and Days / Elegies (by Theognis)
translated by Dorothea Wender
Penguin Classics, 1973
Highly Recommended
Hesiod wrote his Theogony and Works and Days. See Creation for the works of Hesiod. The Elegies was written by Theognis.
Hesiod. Homeric Hymns. Epic Cycle. Homerica
translated by Hugh G. Evelyn-White
Loeb Classical Library, 1936
Highly Recommended
This contains a collection of works by Hesiod, such as his Theogony, and the Works and Days. There are also other works that were attributed to Hesiod, but were composed much later than Hesiod's time. These include Shield of Heracles, Catalogues of Women and Eoiae. Also found in this book are Homeric Hymns and the Epic Cycles.
A copy of this book can be found and read from Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL), or from Theoi E-Texts Library.
Homeric Hymns
The Homeric Hymns
translated by Jules Cashford
Penguin Classics, 2003
Homeric Hymns is valuable for those who are interested in the gods. They were supposedly hymns to the gods. This book by Jules Cashford is a new translation.
See also Hesiod for an older translation of the Homeric Hymns.
Epic Cycle
The following poems after Homer are lost, but summaries survived about these poems. The poems were called the Epic Cycle. These poems consisted of three main themes.
The first theme was about the war of the gods.
The Titanomachy, concerning the war between the Titans and the Olympians.
The next theme had to do with Oedipus and his family, and the wars between Argos and Thebes.
Oedipodea, possibly of Oedipus' birth, oracle and kingship and his fall.
Thebais, concerning the Seven Against Thebes.
Epigoni, the second war between Argos and Thebes.
The last main theme had to do with the Trojan War, before and after the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Cypria deals with the origin of the war, from wedding of Peleus and Thetis, as well as the Judgment of Paris, to the time before the Iliad.
Aethiopis or Amazonia deals with events immediately after the death of Hector in the Iliad, and is about the death of Achilles and Ajax.
Little Iliad recounts the event after Achilles' death, including the fall of Troy.
The Sack of Ilium, like the Little Iliad, concerned the final days of Troy.
Nostoi ("The Return") is about the Greek leaders who were either returning home or migrating to a new home. See Aftermath of the War.
Telegony deals with the life of Odysseus after the Odyssey and his death at the hand of his son Telegonus.
All these works (Epic Cycle) can be found in one volume; see Hesiod for details about the book.
The Odes
translated by C. M. Bowra
Penguin Classics, 1969
Lyric poetry devoted to those who took part in the Pan-Hellenic games, both historical and mythological.
The Oresteian Trilogy
translated by Philip Vellacott,
Penguin Classics, 1961
Highly Recommended
A trilogy of tragedies comprising Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, and the Eumenides.
Prometheus Bound and Other Plays
translated by Philip Vellacott,
Penguin Classics, 1961
A collection of tragedy comprising Seven Against Thebes, The Suppliants, Prometheus Bound, and the Persae.
The Theban Plays
translated by E. F. Watling,
Penguin Classics, 1947
Highly Recommended
A trilogy of tragedies, comprising Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone.
Electra and Other Plays
translated by E. F. Watling,
Penguin Classics, 1953
Highly Recommended
A collection of tragedies, comprising Electra, Ajax, Philoctetes, and the Women of Trachis.
Medea and Other Plays
translated by Philip Vellacott,
Penguin Classics, 1963
Highly Recommended
A collection of tragedies, comprising Medea, Heracles (or Madness of Heracles), Hecuba, and Electra.
The Bacchae and Other Plays
translated by Philip Vellacott,
Penguin Classics, 1954
Highly Recommended
A collection of tragedies, comprising The Bacchae, Ion, Women of Troy, and Helen.
Orestes and Other Plays
translated by Philip Vellacott,
Penguin Classics, 1972
A collection of tragedies, comprising Orestes, Andromache, The Phoenician Women, Iphigenia in Aulis, The Suppliant Women, and the Children of Heracles.
Alcestis, Hippolytus, Iphigenia in Tauris
translated by Philip Vellacott,
Penguin Classics, 1953
A collection of tragedies, comprising Alcestis, Hippolytus, and Iphigenia in Tauris.
The Library of Greek Mythology
translated by Robin Hard,
World's Classics, 1997
Highly Recommended
Also called The Library. Another book I relied on heavily for Greek myths. This contains extensive tales of Greek myths. About a third of the Library was lost, and a summary called the Epitome replaced it. Actually, modern scholars believe that Apollodorus didn't write the Library. However, people continued to associate the Library with Apollodorus, since it was under his name. Apollodorus did write the Chronicle (Greek history) and On the Gods.
There is also electronic version available at Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMCL). However, I don't know who translated the electronic edition, nor have I read this yet.
Apollonius of Rhodes
The Voyage of Argo
translated by E. V. Rieu,
Penguin Classics, 1959
Highly Recommended
Also called Argonautica, containing the fullest account of Jason and the Quest of the Golden Fleece.
Callimachus - Hymns and Epigrams; Lycophron; Aratus
translated by A. W. Mair and G. R. Mair
Loeb Classical Library, 1921
This is actually a book of three writers: Callimachus, Lycophron and Aratus.
Callimachus was the chief librarian of Alexandria, in Hellenistic Egypt, during the time Apollonius wrote his Argonautica. I am far more interested in Callimachus' hymns to the gods, which are sometimes compared with the older Homeric Hymns. The most interesting is the poem to Pallas Athena as she bathed, and how the goddess blinded Teiresias.
The poet Lycophron also wrote Alexandra, who is otherwise known as Cassandra, the Trojan seeress; this a poem I have yet to read. I don't know anything about Aratus.
Six Greek Comedies
Aristophanes, Menander, Euripides
translated by Michael Walton and Kenneth MacLeish
Methuen Drama, 2002
Six plays from 3 different writers - Aristophanes, Menander and Euripides.
Aristophanes – Birds, Frogs and Women in Power.
Menander - The Women from Samos.
Euripides - Cyclops and Alkestis.
All three playwrights were Athenians, and performed in Athens. The book shows the difference between Old Comedy (Aristophanes) and New Comedy (Menander) in Athens, as well as satirical-play by Euripides.
The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives
translated by Ian Scott-Kilvert,
Penguin Classics, 1960
The main reason why I got this book is because of the biography of Theseus.
Numa Pompilius
translated by John Dryden
The Internet Classics Archive
Plutarch was a Greek biographer who gave accounts of both Greek and Roman lives. Most of them were historical figures, while others were either mythical like Theseus or legendary, like Romulus and Numa.
Although translations and books are available in the Penguin Classics, World's Classics (Oxford) and in the Loeb Classical Library, I'm not really interested in buying these, since they are available in several volumes. So I downloaded what I needed from The Internet Classics Archive. These electronic texts or web pages were translated by John Dryden. It saved me a lot of money.
Guide to Greece
volume 1: Central Greece
translated by Peter Levi
Penguin, Classics, 1971.
Highly Recommended
Guide to Greece
volume 2: Southern Greece
translated by Peter Levi
Penguin, Classics, 1971.
Highly Recommended
Also called Periegesis Hellados ("Description of Greece"). This work is sort of a travel guide containing myths and local legends associated with various Greek sites. This work comes in two volumes, Central Greece and Southern Greece.
There are also a couple of chapters from Pausanias found in the Ancient History Sourcebook webpage:
The Geography
translated by Horace Leonard Jones
LacusCurtius: Strabo's Geography
This electronic text format was extracted from the original printed Loeb Classical Library book (1917-1932), of which there are eight volumes. It would be too expensive to buy, so it is lucky that they have this available on the net. Strabo was a Greek geographer (63 BC-AD 23). It not only contains the geography and history of the Greeks and Romans, but there are also extensive descriptions of the Celts living in Gaul, Spain and northern Italy. It is even a guide to India.
Quintus Smyrnaeus
Fall of Troy
translated by A.S. Way, 1913
Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMCL)
Highly Recommended
Quintus Smyrnaeus or Quintus of Smyrna (4th century AD) wrote the Fall of Troy in Greek, instead of Latin. Quintus filled in the details of the Epic Cycle, from the arrival of the Amazons after Hector's death to the Sack of Troy and the destruction of the Greek fleet.
I could not find this work in the bookshop, so I downloaded this electronic edition from the Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMCL). I suggest you read this after reading the Epic Cycle.
The Aeneid
translated by W. F. Jackson Knight,
Penguin Classics, 1956
Highly Recommended
The adventures of the Trojan prince named Aeneas after the Trojan War. See the Aeneid.
translated by Mary Innes,
Penguin Classics, 1955
Highly Recommended
Metamorphoses: A New Verse Translation
translated by David Raeburn
notes by Denis Feeney
Penguin Classics, 2004
Highly Recommended
Extensive work on myths composed by the Roman writer Ovid. The main theme was the transformations of deities, heroes and heroines to animal, vegetable or mineral. There is a new translation written in verse style. I have two different translations of the Metamorphoses.
translated by A. J. Boye and R. D. Woodard
Penguin Classics, 2000
Sort like a handbook of the Roman calendar and festivals dedicated to the Roman deities. It also contains some myths on some of the deities. Only six Fasti survived, from January to June 30.
Gaius Valerius Flaccus
The Voyage of the Argo: The Argonautica of Gaius Valerius Flaccus
translated by David R. Slavitt
The John Hopkins University Press, 1999
Just got this book. Yet to read it. An alternative version to Apollonius Rhodius' classic.
The Orphic Argonautica: An English Translation
translated by Jason Colavito
Jason Colavito, 2011
Just got this book. Yet to read it. An alternative version to Apollonius Rhodius' classic.
The Myths of Hyginus
translated and edited by Mary Grant
University of Kansas Publication, 1960
Highly Recommended
I read some of the tales at the State Library. This contains the Fabulae and the Poetica Astronomica. The problem with Hyginus is that he sometimes gave confusing accounts for some well-known myths. A copy of Grant's translation can be found at Theoi E-Texts Library.
The Golden Ass
translated by P. G. Walsh
World's Classics, 1994
Highly Recommended
This contains the tale of Cupid and Psyche. You will find the story in the Book 5, chapter 22.
There is also an electronic version, found at It is titled The Golden Asse, and it come from Adlington's translation, 1566. You may find this difficult to read, because it was translated into Elizabethan (Tudor) Engish. This translation is frequently used, and the current electronic edition was compiled by Martin Guy.
translated by W. H. Rouse
Loeb Classical Library, 1940
3 volumes
Nonnus of Panopolis wrote Dionysiaca about the life of the wine god Dionysus, in the 5th century AD in Egypt. There are 48 books, which come in 3 volumes. I found this work in the State Library.
Timaeus and Critias
translated by Desmond Lee
introduction by Thomas Kjeller Johansen Penguin Classics
I relied on these two dialogues of Plato to obtain information on the earliest accounts of Atlantis. I would only recommend getting these two dialogues if you are interested in the earliest accounts of Atlantis; otherwise you can ignore them. See the island of Thera in the Geographia section.
Two dialogues of Plato
translated by Benjamin Jowett
The Complete Works of Plato for free
The Theology of Plato
Translated by Thomas Taylor
The Histories
translated by Aubrey de Selincourt,
Penguin Classics, 1954
Highly Recommended
Although Herodotus was a historian, his extensive travels in Greece, Asia Minor and the Aegean islands, gave him knowledge of many local legends not found anywhere else.
Diodorus Siculus
Library of History
translated by C. H. Oldfather.
Loeb Classical Library, 1933-1967
Known as the Bibliotheca historica. This is actually a book on history, but it has a fairly large number of myths. Though the work is fragmented, it is still a pretty large work. This is available from Loeb Classical Library in 12 volumes, and each volume is not cheap. I have only bought volumes 2 and 3, because most of the myths can be found in Book IV and Book V. Diodorus' sources for the history of Hellenistic kingdoms and the Republic of Rome may be reliable, but not his sources for the myths. His tendency of trying to give a more logical account or explanation for the myths, tended to spoil well-known myths.
The Early History of Rome
translated by Aubrey de Selincourt and Robert Ogilvie.
Penguin, 1960.
Highly Recommended
Livy was a Roman historian (59 BC - AD 17) who wrote the History of Rome. Though there were originally 142 books, only 36 books have survived. For the Modern English, there are several other volumes, but this volume contains legends of the seven kings of Rome and how Rome became a Republic. See Tales of Rome.
translated by F. E. Robbins
Loeb Classical Library, 1940.
Claudius Ptolemy (c. AD 100-178) was one of the great astronomers and geographers of his time.
Ancient Fragments
translated by I. P. Cory, 1832
Sacred Texts
Here are a number of translations of fragmented texts from the works of Berossus, Pythagorean Fragments, Orphic Fragments and the Theogonies.
Orphic Hymns
translated by Thomas Taylor, 1792
compiled at Sibylline Order
These texts were translated by Thomas Taylor in 1792, in his work the Hymns of Orpheus.
Other Texts
The following works are translations that I have not yet read, but I do suggest that you give these a try.... Well, if you can find them.
There are several reasons why I haven't read these works yet.
There is no English translation available yet.
The original is either fragmented or damaged, and probably not yet published.
It's out of publication (OUT OF PRINT).
I couldn't afford it (please, donate?).
It was available but I did not want to buy it.
However, if you do happen to find English translations of any of these works (preferably in paperback) that are affordable, please e-mail me the details (title, author, name of the translator, ISBN, and the publisher, etc).
The Erotic Poems
translated by Peter Green
Penguin Classics, 1982
Some more myths from Ovid can be found here. This contains mainly love poems or stories.
I'm not sure what's in this book. Anyway, I'm not really interested in buying this.
Two Roman epics written by Publius Papinius Statius (AD 45-96). The Thebaid is about the quarrel of Polyneices and Eteocles over the throne of Thebes and the war known as the Seven Against Thebes. The Achilleid (incomplete) is the account about the early life of Achilles. I'm not really interested in buying this. Available at Loeb Classical Library, but expensive. A second book from World's Classics which contains only the epic Thebaid, published by A. D. Melville, was less expensive than the Loeb.
The Knossos Tablets: A revised transliteration of all the texts in Mycenaean Greek
Emmett L. Bennett, John Chadwick, Michael Ventris
Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, 1959
The Pylos Tablets
Emmett L. Bennett
Princeton University Press, 1955
The following books I have read and used for my research and for general reference. These works are dictionaries, encyclopedias, critical essays or analyses on myths, etc.
Some of these books provide history and background to the myths and legends.
The Oxford Classical Dictionary
Simon Hornblower & Antony Spawforth
Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. 1996
The Oxford Companion To Classical Literature
M. C. Howaston
Oxford University Press, 1989
Homer, the Iliad
Silk, Michael
Cambridge University Press, 1987
Dictionary of Archeology
edited by Paul Bahn
Collins, 1992
Useful information on archaeology.

By Jimmy Joe