Thera was an island of the Cyclades south of Naxos and north of Crete. Today, Thera is often called Santorini.
Thera was said to have grown from a clod of earth from Libya, a gift to the Argonaut Euphemus from the sea-god Triton.
Thera was famous historically for the great volcanic eruption that might have disrupted or destroyed the Minoan civilization in Crete during the last stage of the Bronze Age (c. 1400 BC). The eruption also caused a major earthquake that was felt throughout the Aegean, which also caused tidal waves. The dark clouds of ashes were so widespread that it caused major drought and famine in the Levant and Egypt. (This possibly coincided with Moses bringing the ten plagues on Egypt, and trying to break the bondage and slavery of the Hebrews from the Egyptian masters.)
Some modern scholars and archaeologists believed that Thera was the lost civilization of Atlantis (Ἀτλαντίς).
Most of what we know about Atlantis was recorded in Plato's two works – the "Timaeus" and the "Critias". According to the philosopher Plato of Athens (428-348 BC), Atlantis was the most advanced civilization at the time.
It was traditionally located west of the Pillars of Heracles (the Gibraltar), in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was larger than Libya and Asia (perhaps Asia Minor) combined.
The dialogues of Critas gave us the most detailed description of Atlantis. Atlantis was said to be the most advanced technologically and economically, with an empire including Italy and Greece, their dominion extending as far Egypt and Mesopotamia. The god Poseidon created the large island after he had seduced Cleito, the daughter of Evenor and Leucippe. Poseidon was the father of five pairs of twins. The eldest son was named Atlas (not to be confused with the Titan Atlas) and he became the high king.
The dialogues of Timaeus involved the discourse between Socrates, Timaeus, Critas and Hermocrates, where Critas informed the others how Solon (fl. 6th century BC) was in Egypt, talking to a high priest. Solon discovered that Atlantis had conquered much of Europe and Africa, east of Greece and Egypt. Athens was the only kingdom strong enough to resist the mighty Atlantean forces, which the Athenians defeated in battle.
In the beginning they were very pious and peaceful people, but their large empire brought them great wealth and luxury, so that they lost their self-control and allowed themselves to be intoxicated by their greed and arrogance.
The cataclysmic earthquake occurred because the gods were punishing them for being arrogant tyrants. Plato says that the catastrophe happened in 9600 BC. This date was much earlier than the eruption of Thera. Flooding reached as far as Athens and Mesopotamia.
Historically, much of Europe and Asia had entered the final Stone Age, commonly known as Neolithic period ("New Stone Age"). The Neolithic was when the climate became warmer after tens of thousands of years of Ice Age. As the glaciers retreated from the south, it would naturally cause flooding due to the melting ice.
Stone Age man adjusted to the warmer climate, and they began to farm the land and domesticated animals. Man began to live in settlements, learning new technology such as weaving and pottery.
There are lots of theories about Atlantis. Among them was that when the cataclysmic earthquake sank Atlantis, it caused massive tidal waves and global flooding. Some archaeologists say that this caused the Biblical Flood, but the flood of the Atlantis was said to be earlier than Noah's Flood.
Whatever the case, scholars and archaeologists should not rely seriously upon the dating of Plato. Obviously this was propaganda, meant to bolster the greatness of Athens, which was meant to have defeated the might of Atlantis.
Related Information
Thera, Θήρα;
Santorini or Thíra (modern).

By Jimmy Joe