Cyprus was a large island at the easternmost end of the Mediterranean Sea, south of Cilcia, Asia Minor, and west of Syria. Cyprus was one of the principal cult centres of Aphrodite. Cinyras and Pygmalion were their best-known kings.
Two Greek leaders who fought at Troy migrated to Cyprus, founding cities. Agapenor, king of Arcadia, never returned home, but instead travelled to Cyprus and founded the city called Paphos.
Teucer, son of Telamon, king of Salamis, and Hesione, did return home, but his father banished him for his failure to prevent his half-brother Ajax from committing suicide. Teucer sailed to Cyprus with his followers and founded the city which he named after his home – Salamis.
The island is currently occupied, one half by the Greeks and the other half by the Turks. It has been the cause of friction for decades between the two sides.
Related Information
Cyprus, Κύπρος.
Agapenor (of Paphos)
Teucer (of Salamis)
Cinyras, Pygmalion; Agapenor (ruled in Paphos); Teucer (ruled in Salamis).

By Jimmy Joe