Of all the adventures found in Greek mythology, Jason's Quest of the Golden Fleece stands out for modern readers. The Argonauts (Ἀργοναὓται) were a company of 50 heroes who sailed on the ship called Argo (Ἀργο), in their journey toward the fabled Colchis.
Below, I will share the standard version of the legend, told by Apollonius of Rhodes. You will also find a couple of different versions at the end of Apollonius' Argonautica that were written before and after Apollonius' time in the 3rd century BC.
Most authors after Apollonius wrote similar accounts to him, like the Roman writer Gaius Valerius Flaccus, but others diverge from his version considerably like Diodorus Siculus. See Other Versions of the Quest.
There's a list of the Crew of the Argo, can be found in Facts and Figures.

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By Jimmy Joe