Heroes 1
Heroes I contains information on the heroes and heroines before the time of the Trojan War.
Heroes I has been divided into two sections: Early Heroes and the Golden Age of Heroes.
The stories of Deucalion, Perseus, Heracles and Theseus were written on separate pages because of the size of each story. Follow the above links to go to these stories.
All heroines previously listed on this page have been moved to a new page titled Heroines.

Early Heroes
Listed below are some of the famous heroes from before the time of Golden Age of heroes:
For Deucalion, see the Creation / Deluge page.
Golden Age of Heroes
The Golden Age of heroes was set in the time just before the Trojan War, involving many great heroes and fantastic adventures.
Some of the great adventures and wars took place in this period, including that of the Argonauts, the Calydonian Boar Hunt, the battle between Lapiths and the Centaurs, and the ill-fated wars against Thebes.
Below is a list of some of the heroes who took part in these adventures.
For Cadmus and Oedipus, see House of Thebes.
See also the new Heroines page for articles on Medea, Atalanta and Antigone.
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By Jimmy Joe