Megara was a city situated on east side of the Isthmus of Corinth, a seaport to the Saronic Gulf. Its citadel was called Nisa.
The city was founded by Car, son of Phoroneus. Later, Lelex, a descendant of Io, established a dynasty that ruled Megara until Alcathoüs, a Pelopid, took over. Alcathoüs' grandson Ajax (son of Telamon) received the kingdom, during the time of the Trojan War.
The Aeolid Pylas ruled Megara, until he accidentally killed his uncle Bias. Pylas went into exile in Messenia where he founded a new kingdom, which he named Pylos, after himself. He left Megara to his son-in-law, Pandion, a former king of Athens, who married Pylas' daughter Pylia.
See the family trees of the House of Pelops and the Aeacids.
Related Information
Megara, Μέγαρα.
Nisa (citadel).
Car; some generations later, Lelex; then Cleson, Pylas, Pandion, Nisus, Megareus, Alcathoüs, Ajax.

By Jimmy Joe