Tegea was a city in southeastern Arcadia. In the time of Aleüs and his descendants, it was the capital of Arcadia.
Lycurgus and his brothers, Cephalus and Amphidamas, ruled Tegea and Arcadia together. Lycurgus' brothers and his son Ancaeüs were Argonauts and hunters for the Calydonian Boar. Ancaeüs; however, he was one of hunters killed by the boar.
The Arcadian under Cephalus aided Heracles in the war against Elis, however the king and his sons were all killed. Lycurgus was succeeded by his grandnephew, Echemus, the king who in single combat, killed Hyllus, son of Heracles, in the first war against the Heraclids.
For genealogy, see Houses of Arcadia.
Related Information
Tegea, Τεγεα.

By Jimmy Joe