Volsunga Saga
The Völsunga Saga (Volsunga Saga or Volsungasaga) was the story of love and betrayal, adventure and tragedy expanding over several generations, beginning with the son of Odin named Sigi. An unknown author from Iceland wrote the Volsunga Saga in the thirteenth century.
The Volsunga Saga was about the heroism and tragedy of two families, the Volsungs and the Giukings (Niflungs or Nibelungs).

The Volsunga Saga can be divided into two or three parts:
The first part concerns the ancestors of Sigurd, particularly about Sigmund (Sigurd's father) and Signy, children of Volsung.
The second part is about Sigurd, the central character of the Völsunga Saga.
After Sigurd's death, the story revolved around Sigurd's wife (Gudrun) and his brother-in-laws (the family in Burgundy was known as the Giukings (Niflungs) or Nibelungs in the Germanic literature).
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By Jimmy Joe