Asgard was one of the Nine Worlds created by Odin and his brothers, and it was the name of the home of Aesir gods and goddesses. Dozen or more palaces or halls were built within Asgard belonging to the gods, with Odin residing in great hall called Valaskjalf. Valhalla was another great hall belonging to Odin. The great wall around Asgard was built by the frost-giant, Hrimthurs. There was only one entrance to Asgard, known as Bifrost or "Rainbow Bridge", which was guarded by the god Heimdall.
More information about Asgard can be found in Norse Creation.
Asgard is a section in Timeless Myths, dealing with Norse and Germanic deities.
According to the Norse myths, there were two race of gods, the Aesir and the Vanir.
Note that though Njörd, Freyr and Freyja were Vanir deities, but they later became important Aesir gods and goddess. More details about these three deities can be found under Vanir.
I have included a page on the pantheon of Germanic deities, called Teutonic Deities. These gods and goddesses were older than the Norse (Scandinavian) gods. Some Germanic deities are identical or closely related to Norse deities.
In this section, I have also added some information about the giants and the monsters that appeared in Norse and German myths.

Useful Information
Other useful information includes:

By Jimmy Joe