Math was the son of Mathonwy, and brother of Don. Math was a powerful sorcerer and the lord of Gwynedd, in northern Wales. His main seat of power seemed to be in Caer Dathal.
Though one of the tales in the Mabinogion had the title called Math Son of Mathonwy, it was his nephew Gwydyon who had the most active role in the last Branch of the Mabinogi.
Math was a king who liked to rest his feet on the lap of a virgin maiden. This maiden was named Goewin, the daughter of Pebin from Dol Bebin in Arvon. However Gilvaethwy, another of his nephews, fell in love with Goewin and raped her during Math's absence. Math punished his nephew and Gwydyon who was also involved by transforming them into various animal forms for three years.
When Math needed another maiden's lap to rest his feet upon, Gwydyon suggested his sister Aranrhod, daughter of Don. Math tested Aranrhod by making her step over his magic wand. Though a virgin, two infant sons dropped out of her. One was named Dylan and the other was called Lleu.
Math brought up Dylan while Gwydyon raised Lleu. Math took pity upon Lleu and created a woman from the flowers named Blodeuedd, since Aranrhod had her own son. Math gave Lleu the land or cantrev of Dinoding to live in.
Later, Lleu ruled Gwynedd after Math.
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Don, Gwydyon, Aranrhod, Lleu.
Math Son of Mathonwy (Mabinogion).
Genealogy: House of Don and House of Llyr.

By Jimmy Joe