Nudd (Lludd)
There are likely several (or many) people with the name – Nudd. Lludd was probably another form for the name Nudd. This being the case, I will cover the different Nudd individuals here.
One Nudd was described as being the son of Senyllt; and according to the Welsh Triads, one of the most generous man in Britain:
Three Generous men of the Island of Prydain. Nudd the Generous, son of Senyllt; Mordaf the Generous, son of Serwan; Rhydderch the Generous, son of Tudwal Tudglyd.
Nudd was associated with the British god Nodons during the Roman period. He was also associated with Nuada Airgedlámh, "Nuada of the Silver Hand", the king of Tuatha de Danann on Ireland. In Welsh myth, he was called either Nudd Llaw Ereint or Lludd Llaw Ereint, "Lludd Silver Hand". In the story of Culhwch and Olwen, Lludd was the father of Creiddylad, Gwythyr son of Greidyawl and Gwynn son of Nudd (thus Gwynn ap Nudd). Nudd was the father of Gwynn and Lludd Llaw Ereint appeared to be a different person.
Nudd, father of Gwynn, was the son of Don and Beli. This meant Nudd was also the brother of Amathon, Gilvaethwy, Govannon, Gwydyon, and brother of two sisters named Aranrhod and Penarddun. Nudd also had a son named Edern.
Then there is the case of the story of Lludd and Llevelys, another story from the Mabinogion where Llud (Nudd) was a son of Beli and brother of Caswallon (Casswallan), Nynnyaw and Llevelys.
Related Information
Nudd, Lludd (Welsh).
Nuada (Irish).
Nodons, Nodens (Romano-British).
Nudd Llaw Ereint or Lludd Llaw Ereint – "Nudd Silver Hand".
Related Articles
See also Nodons and Nuada.
Beli, Don, Gwynn ap Nudd
See Lludd and Llevelys.

By Jimmy Joe