Beli was the son of Mynogen. Beli was the husband of the goddess Don, the daughter of Mathonwy. Beli was the father of five sons: Amathon, Nudd, Govannon, Gwydyon and Gilvaethwy. Beli was also the father of two daughters: Aranrhod and Penarddun, the wife of Llyr.
According to the story of Llud and Llevelys, Beli was also said to be the father of Lludd, Llevelys, Nynmyaw and Caswallon (Casswallawn). The Welsh Triad mentioned that his daughter was Aranrot. According, to this Triad (32), Caswallon left Britain with a host (Third Host to Leave Britain), and with his nephews Gwenwynwyn and Gwanar, sons of Lliaws and Aranrot. They were from Arllechwedd and went to Gascony.
His children with Don were known as the Children of the Light, as opposed to Llyr's Children of Darkness.
Beli was often called Beli Mawr. Beli was the equivalent of the ancient Gallic god Belenus, and the Irish god Bile.
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By Jimmy Joe