Dylan and his brother Lleu were the sons of the virgin goddess Aranrhod. She gave birth to them immediately after she stepped over the magic wand of her uncle, Math.
Dylan was a boy with golden hair. Shortly after he was baptised he left for the sea.
Dylan also became known as the son of Ton, because a wave never broke beneath him. Dylan was a sort of Welsh god of the sea or the waves. Dylan took on the nature of the waves, and could move in the water better than a fish.
Dylan was killed by his uncle Govannon (Goibhniu), the Welsh smith god.
See Math Son of Mathonwy about Dylan's birth.
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Aranrhod, Lleu, Math, Gwydyon, Govannon.
Math Son of Mathonwy (Mabinogion).
Genealogy: House of Don and House of Llyr.

By Jimmy Joe