Belenus was one of the most ancient of Celtic gods. From his fire festival called Beltane, which was held on May first, and because his name means "Bright One", it suggested that he was a fire or a sun god. However, there was very little evidence that he was a sun god, nor was Beltane held to worship the sun.
Belenus was a popular deity, particularly in Italy, Noricum (Switzerland and Austria) and Gaul (France). The Romans equated Belenus with the Greek/Roman god Apollo, who was also the god of light and healing.
Belenus was associated with an Irish deity named Bilé (Bile), the consort of the goddess Danu. The Welsh literature called him Beli, husband of Don (Danu). Both Bilé and Beli were actually the god of death and darkness. Therefore, they were closer to Dis Pater or Pluto, the god of the dead and the Underworld.
By Jimmy Joe