Matres was a triad of mother goddesses, worshipped through much of Continental Europe, especially around the Rhine regions.
There were numerous images and figurines of the mother goddesses, such as carrying or suckling children. They were also seen carrying the cornucopia or basket of fruit. The cornucopia was a symbol of prosperity and fertility.
They were household deities that guarded against diseases and famines. There were indications that they were goddesses of healing, which were symbolised by the dogs at their feet.
The Matres were known as the Treverae among the Treveri tribe around modern day Trier (west Germany), and at Nimes (southern France) they were called the Nemausicae.
The Romans equated Matres with Terra Mater and the Germanic goddess Nerthus.
Related Information
Matres – "mother"
Deane Matres, Matronae.
Treverae (at Trier).
Nemausicae (at Nimes).
Terra Mater (Roman); Nerthus (Germanic).
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By Jimmy Joe