Eurynome (Εὐρυνόμη) was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys; she was one of the 3000 Oceanids.
By Zeus, Eurynome was the mother of the Graces, and possibly of Asopus, the river god in Sicyon. However, Asopus was usually referred to as her brother, therefore he was also a son of Oceanus and Tethys.
According to Apollonius of Rhodes, in the Argonautica, Eurynome was the first being to come out of existence from either Chaos or Ocean (Oceanus), perhaps she created herself. Apollonius' Eurynome may not be the same as the nymph Eurynome, though Apollonius did say that she was the daughter of Ocean (Oceanus), but this Oceanus was primeval water and not a Titan or a god. Apollonius' Oceanus was more like Hesiod's Chaos.
She was the Creator Goddess of the universe, and the first to rule Olympus together with Ophion, before the Titans, Cronus and Rhea, deposed them.
See Eurynome on the Ancient Deities page and Eurynome and Ophion on the Creation page.
Related Information
Eurynome, Εὐρυνόμη – "Wide-Wandering".
Theogony was written by Hesiod.
Library was written by Apollodorus.
Description of Greece was written by Pausanias.
Argonautica was written by Apollonius of Rhodes.
Related Articles
See also Ancient Deities, Eurynome.
Oceanus, Tethys, Ophion, Cronus, Rhea, Zeus, Graces.
Creation, Eurynome and Ophion.

By Jimmy Joe