Titaness of the sea. Tethys was the daughter of Uranus and Gaea. She married her brother Oceanus. She became the mother of all the river gods. She is said to have borne three thousand daughters, known as the Oceanids.
The eldest daughter was Styx, who was the only female river goddess, while Amphitrite, who married Poseidon, and Doris, who married Nereus, became sea goddesses.
During the war between the Titans and Olympians, Hera was left in the care of Oceanus and his wife.
According to the Iliad, Oceanus and Tethys were going through a separation, and Hera wanted to reconcile them. Hera was concerned for her foster parents, but this was actually a ploy by Hera to seduce Zeus, so that he would forget about the Trojans.
According to various sources, Tethys and her husband were the primeval parents of the gods. They were not Titans, but the eldest of the gods.

By Jimmy Joe