An Underworld river-goddess. Styx was an Oceanid; the eldest daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. She was the only female river goddess. She married the Titan Pallas, and bore him four children (personifications): Bia (violence), Cratus (strength), Nike (victory) and Zelus (emulation). See Nike in the Minor Greek Deities.
According to one writer, Styx was said to be the mother of Persephone by Zeus. But more commonly Persephone was the daughter of Demeter and Zeus.
When the younger gods fought against the Titans, Styx sent her own children to aid Zeus. For this aid, Styx became honoured by the Olympians such that an oath sworn by the gods in her name was the most inviolable of all oaths.
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Styx, Στύξ.
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By Jimmy Joe