Thracian Deities
The Thracians were a people who lived north and east of Thessaly and Macedon. The land of Thrace reached the Black Sea in the north-east, and north all the way to the Danube river. The western border is unclear. The size of the Roman province of Thrace was smaller, as it was annexed into the Roman empire during the reign of Claudius. The Greeks did colonise part of Thrace, particularly on the Aegean coastlines, where they founded cities.
They were not considered to be of Greek or Hellenic origin, but rather of Scythian origin.
In classical times, the Thracians were renowned for their light infantry and their light cavalry, serving in Greek armies as mercenaries, and were especially valuable to Alexander the Great. Compared to the Greeks, the Macedonians and the Romans, the Thracians were primitive, divided into tribes and living in open villages.

For Dionysus, see the Olympians.

By Jimmy Joe