Titaness of the moon. Phoebe was the daughter of Uranus and Gaea. Phoebe married her brother Coeüs (Coeus). Phoebe became the mother of Leto and Asteria, so Phoebe was the grandmother of Apollo, Artemis and Hecate.
Her name means "light", and she seemed to be identified with the moon. According to the 5th century BC playwright Aeschylus, Phoebe gave the oracle of Delphi to her grandson Apollo (son of Leto), though most writers say that it was her sister Themis who relinquished Delphi to Apollo after he slew the dragon Python.
According to the Pelasgian Creation Myth, Phoebe was assigned by Eurynome to rule the power of the moon, alongside the Titan Atlas.

By Jimmy Joe