The Goddess of All Things. Eurynome was the mother goddess and ultimate Creator goddess. Eurynome was possibly also a sun and moon goddess.
According to Apollonius of Rhodes, he wrote in the Argonautica that the first being was the goddess Eurynome, the daughter of Ocean or Oceanus.
Apollonius' Eurynome may or may not be the same as the Oceanid nymph named Eurynome. Both were daughters of Oceanus but according to Apollonius, Oceanus wasn't a Titan; instead, Oceanus was primordial water. Apollonius' Oceanus was more like Hesiod's Chaos than Hesiod's Titan Oceanus.
Eurynome and Ophion fashioned the Cosmic Egg which created the world such as the land, sea and heaven, and then populated it with animals. Eurynome with her consort Ophion were the first to rule at Olympus before they were displaced by the Titans, Rhea and Cronus. Cronus fought with Ophion while Rhea wrestled with Eurynome, and they were flung from heaven into the depths of the Ocean.
This means that Apollonius' account replaced Gaea and Uranus with Eurynome and Ophion.
There is a different and rather dubious account told by Robert Graves about Eurynome and Ophion in his so-called Pelasgus Creation Myth.
See Eurynome and Ophion in the Creation.
Related Information
Eurynome, Εὐρυνόμη – "wide-wandering".
Argonautica was written by Apollonius of Rhodes.
Related Articles
See also Eurynome (Nymph).
Ophion, Oceanus (or Titans, Oceanus), Cronus, Rhea.
Creation, Eurynome and Ophion.

By Jimmy Joe