King Mordrain (Evalach)
In the Vulgate Cycle, King Mordrain was originally a pagan king of Sarras named Evalach. Mordrain was married to a beautiful lady named Sarrasinte, sister of Nascien.
He became a Christian when he met Joseph of Arimathea and his son, Josephus. Mordrain was the brother-in-law of Nascien.
When Josephus was dying, Mordrain wanted something to remember his friend by. Josephus told the king to bring a white shield to him. Josephus, who had a nose-bleed, drew a cross with his blood on Mordrain's shield. Galahad, a descendant of Nascien, would later receive this shield when he took part in the quest for the Grail.
When Nascien broke the Sword with the Strange Belt, it was Mordrain who restored the sword by joining the two sections of the blade together. Rather than keep the magic sword for himself, he left the sword on the bed of the magical ship.
According to the Vulgate Cycle, King Mordrain was still alive, but ancient and blinded, during the Grail quest. Mordrain lost his sight and the strength of his limbs, because he had dared to look at the Grail. It was Galahad who restored Mordrain's sight. Galahad comforted the aged king, until Mordrain died in Galahad's arms, fulfilling another prophecy about Galahad.
Related Information
Mordrain, Mordrains (baptismal name).
Evalach, Evelake (pagan name).
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By Jimmy Joe