King Lot
King of Orkney. According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, Lot was the brother of Urien, king of Moray, and Auguselus (Angel), king of Albany (Scotland). Lot was king of Lothian. Lot married Anna, daughter of Uther and Igraine, and sister of Arthur. He had two sons, Gawain and Mordred. Lot was leader of the British forces against the Saxons under Octa and Eosa, when Uther fell ill.
Lot was restored to the throne of Lothian (southern Scotland). When Arthur conquered Norway, Arthur gave Norway to Lot as a reward for his loyalty.
Later legends say that Lot was married to Morgawse or Norcadet, the half-sister of Arthur (therefore the daughter of Gorlois and Igraine). Lot was the father of four or five sons instead of two: Gawain, Agravain, Gahreis (Gaheriet), and Gareth (Guerrehet), and sometimes of Mordred. However, Mordred was also said to be the son of Arthur by his half-sister Morgawse.
The later tradition also moved Lot's kingdom further north: on the island of Orkney instead of Lothian.
Lot was one of the eleven kings who opposed the kingship of Arthur [Book I, Chapters 12-17]. Pellinor, father of Lamorak and Perceval, killed Lot in the fighting [Malory's le Morte d'Arthur, Book II, Chapter 10; Suite du Merlin; Prose Tristan].
In Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival (c. 1200), Lot was married to Sangive, and was the father of two sons, Gawain and Beacurs, and three daughters - Surdamur, Curdrie and Itonje.
Related Information
Lot, Loth.
Related Articles
Uther Pendragon, Arthur, Anna, Morgawse, Gawain, Mordred.
Genealogy: House of King Arthur.

By Jimmy Joe