King Ban and King Bors
Ban and Bors were brothers. Ban was king of Banoic (Benwick) in Brittany, while Bors was king of Gaunes or Gaul (France) according to Malory. They were the sons of King Lancelot and Queen Marche, who was the daughter of the King of Ireland. They were also descendants of Galahad of Hosselice, the son of Joseph of Arimathea.
The two brothers married two sisters. Ban had married Helen or Elaine, and became the father of Galahad, who was better known as Lancelot du Lac. Ban also had another son named Hector (Ector). Hector was his illegitimate son, when he slept with the niece of li Sires des Mares. Ban also had a god son named Banin.
King Bors married Helen's sister named Evaine and had two sons, Lionel and Bors. King Bors should not be confused with his more famous son, Sir Bors de Ganis, a Round Table knight and one of the three Grail heroes.
Before I go on, Elaine and Evaine were of greater prestige than their husbands. On their mothers' sides, the heroes Lancelot and Bors were descendants of the biblical King David.
Ban's sword was called Coreiseuse and his standard was that of "...crowns of gold and indigo, with bands going across of green, like meadow...." (Merlin 7:120, Vulgate Cycle). His steward was named Alelme.
Bors had an indigo standard "...with red diagonal bands edged in gold...." (Merlin 7:119, Vulgate Cycle).
According to the Vulgate Cycle, there was a war between Aramont and Claudas. Claudas was the king of la terre deserte (Waste Land), who was vassal to the King of Gaul. Aramont was the king of Brittany and became vassal of Uther Pendragon of Britain.
Claudas had to surrender after Uther and Aramont devastated his land, which was why it was called the Waste Land. After the death of Uther and Aramont, Claudas retaliated against Ban and Bors, who were vassals of Aramont. Ban and Bors were friends and allies of King Arthur, helping the young king against rebellious vassals in the war in Britain. The brother kings were not only rulers, they were also great fighters. Ban wielded the sword called Coreuseuse.
Arthur was still busy in his war against the rebellious nobles when Claudas invaded Banoic. Ban died in grief when he lost his last castle in Trebes. Ban's treacherous seneschal had opened the castle's gate to Claudas' army. Claudas had promised to give the kingdom of Ban to the seneschal. The seneschal did not live long enough to enjoy his treason, when Banin, god son of King Ban, killed the seneschal in a duel.
Ban's wife was grief-stricken with Ban's death, neglecting her son Lancelot, who was only an infant. The Lady of the Lake took the infant and disappeared into the lake, which was her home, and raised the child as her own. In her grief of having now lost her husband and son, Helen fled to an abbey nearby, in Royal Minister, and took a vow as a nun.
King Bors, hearing the news about brother's death, died in grief. Evaine, wife of Bors, feared for her safety and fled with her two sons. Her two sons were captured and became prisoners of Claudas. Claudas was now lord of Banoic and Gaunes, residing in Bors' castle of Castle Montlair.
Evaine escaped and found her sister Helen in Royal Minister abbey. Evaine also took a vow and became a nun.
After some years later, the Black Friar named Adragain arrived at Royal Minister, telling Helen and Evaine that their sons were still alive. The Friar went to Britain and rebuked Arthur for not coming to the aid of Ban and Bors. Arthur confessed that he was having trouble at home and promised to avenge their deaths.
The Lady of Lake (Niniane) decided it was time to rescue Lionel and Bors. She sent one of her damsels to Claudas, who spirited the boys to Niniane's home.
Helen regularly visited the lake, into which her son had disappeared. Helen was still as beautiful as ever, but her sister had not fared so well. Evaine had become pale and ill with worries over her sons. She wished she knew her sons were alive and safe. That night, Evaine had a vision of her sons playing with her nephew Lancelot in Niniane's garden. When she woke up in the morning, she found the names of Lionel, Bors and her nephew Lancelot written on her right hand. Evaine died happy, knowing that her sons and nephew were safe.
Helen was reunited with her son when Arthur took his army and invaded Claudas' kingdom and the King of Gaul. She spent a whole week with Lancelot before she died.

By Jimmy Joe