Meleagant was the son of Baudemagus (Bademagu), king of Gorre. Meleagant captured many of Arthur's knights and staff, including Queen Guinevere and Sir Kay.
Meleagant was portrayed as a treacherously wicked knight who would stoop to abducting ladies and knights from Logres, either to make them work on the land in servitude or as prisoners. Meleagant abducted Guinevere, but lost her when Lancelot came to Gorre and fought him.
Baudemagus opposed all the crime his son had performed but was powerless to prevent him. However, Baudemagus managed to prevent Meleagant from raping Arthur's wife (Guinevere).
Lancelot and Meleagant were due to fight one another at Arthur's court, one year from then, when he abducted and imprisoned Lancelot from a door-less dungeon tower. Lancelot was rescued by Meleagant's own sister who had previously aided the hero in his quest.
Lancelot was nursed back to health by Meleagant's sister. The hero arrived in time to fight and kill Meleagant in a final duel.
See Knight of the Cart, from Lancelot du Lac, for the full story.
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Baudemagus, Lancelot, Guinevere, Gawain, Kay.

By Jimmy Joe