
Dolorous Guard
In his journey, Lancelot became involved in several minor adventures before he arrived in Nohaut. Lancelot easily defeated the king of Northumbria's champion, and the king then made peace with the Lady of Nohaut. Rather than stay to enjoy the Lady of Nohaut's hospitality, Lancelot left to seek more adventure.
By afternoon, Lancelot came upon a formidable castle known as Dolorous Guard. The Dolorous Guard practised a custom of challenging all knights who came upon the castle. Brandin of the Isles was the lord of Dolorous Guard. Brandin was known as the Copper Knight.
In order to gain entry to the central keep, a knight-errant had to defeat ten knights from the first wall, and another ten at the second wall, before they could face the Copper Knight in single combat. Even the people of the castle loathed his custom, which they considered to be a curse. The knight who conquered Dolorous Guard would be able to lift the curse and put an end to the unfair custom. Yet, it seemed impossible for a single knight to conquer Dolorous Guard. Other knights had tried, but they were either killed or captured in combat.
Lancelot arrived to find that a damsel was weeping over the death of her knight. When he learned of the custom, he aspired to capture the castle.
He was immediately challenged by the knight at the gate. Though he easily defeated the first knight, before he could make him a prisoner, the horn blew; another knight immediately challenged him. He defeated six knights; five were prisoners, while one escaped through the gate.
Though, he was ready to face another knight, the gate remained closed, for night had fallen. A veiled damsel arrived, offering Lancelot lodging. When they arrived at her apartment, Lancelot recognised her as one of the damsels who served the Lady of the Lake.
From the damsel, he realised that he would have to face, in the following morning, ten knights again from the first wall, despite capturing five knights today. He was also informed that the Lady of the Lake had sent her to aid him. She had brought three white shields. One shield had one diagonal red band; the second had two red bands and the third had three. The shield with one band would double his strength, while the second would triple his strength. The third shield would give him the strength of four men.
The next day, he fought until he began to tire and his plain white shield was in tatters. Taking the shield with one red band, he felt refresh and his strength returned. The battle at the first wall was taking him too long. Sometimes he fought one opponent, other times he fought more than one opponent at the same time. By the time of terce, Lancelot was feeling frustrated since he had not passed the first gate yet.
The damsel brought the second shield with two red bands, replacing the shield with one band. Feeling revigorated, Lancelot attacked the knights with such ferocity and skills that they felt awe and fear. The lord of the castle was dismayed that the White Knight (Lancelot) seemed as fresh as when he had started the combat.
Soon, the knights of the first wall surrendered to him as prisoners. By noon, the first gate opened to him. Just outside the second gate, ten knights awaited him. The damsel came to Lancelot and replaced his helmet and the shield with two bands with those of three bands. The White Knight also received a new strong lance.
The lord of Dolorous Guard (Brandin) watched with astonishment at how the White Knight (Lancelot) won through the first gate. Lancelot saw the Copper Knight, who was leaning too far out the wall. Brandin fell off the other side of the wall, killing one of his own knights in his fall.
Lancelot immediately attacked the other nine mounted knights all at once. Lancelot killed another knight in the joust. Surprised at this outcome, the eight remaining mounted knights tried to flee from the White Knight. Lancelot forced three knights, who could not escape, to surrender as his prisoners.
Lancelot chased the other five knights through the gate, but could not capture any of them. The townspeople gathered around Lancelot, welcoming him to Dolorous Guard, hoping that the White Knight could free them of the terrible curse and custom. However, the Copper Knight (Brandin) had escaped. The White Knight was now the new lord of Dolorous Guard.
They brought the White Knight to a cemetery where he found the helms and tombstones of many knights; many of them belonged to the fellowship of the Round Table. The White Knight found a great slab of metal with writing that stated: only one knight could lift the slab, and his name would be revealed underneath the slab.
Lancelot easily lifted the slab and discovered that his name was written there; he also learnt that he was the son of King Ban of Banoic. Only the damsel who gave him the three shields saw his name, before he could hide it from everybody. No one else knew his name. Lancelot was just known as the White Knight and Conqueror of Dolorous Guard.
Everyone was upset that their old lord had escaped. Brandin fled to a small castle, because the enchantment (curse) was yet to be lifted.
News arrived in Camelot that a single knight had conquered Dolorous Guard. Everyone in court was surprised, and was not certain if the news was true. Arthur sent his nephew Gawain with Yvain and eight other knights to verify the news.
Gawain and his companions arrived at Dolorous Guard to find the first gate opened, while the second gate was closed. The gatekeeper told the companions to come by the next morning, and then he would open the gate to them.
One man outside of Dolorous Guard offered them lodging. At the lodge, as they disarmed and went to the next room to rest, they found the dorm was filled with armed knights. It was a trap. The companions were powerless to resist the armed knights. The ten companions were carried off to the small castle (on a river island), which belonged to the former lord of Dolorous Guard; this prison was called Dolorous Prison.
In Dolorous Prison, Gawain and his friends found other knights from the Round Table being held captives, including Arthur's illegitimate son, Lohot (Loholt). Lohot had contracted an illness since he had been in prison.
When Gawain did not return from Dolorous Guard, Arthur became concerned. Arthur immediately left Camelot for Dolorous Guard, with Guinevere and other members of the Round Table.
The king arrived at Dolorous Guard to find the gate closed to him. The gatekeeper told Arthur to send someone to the gate every hour, until the White Knight (Lancelot) decided to open the gate to them.
For four days, Arthur sent one of his knights at every hour, for entry into the castle. Each time it was refused until Queen Guinevere asked permission to enter the castle. Lancelot granted her permission to enter the castle, but the gatekeeper, mistaking Lancelot's instruction, closed the gate before she could enter. Lancelot became upset when Guinevere left in anger.
That night, Lancelot learned from a damsel that Gawain and his companions were either killed or captured. When he went to investigate, he recognised the damsel as another attendant of the Lady of the Lake. She took Lancelot to where he could find the people who held Gawain and the others as prisoners.
When he saw fifteen knights including the Copper Knight (Brandin), Lancelot attacked them. None put up any resistance, but tried to flee back to the island. Lancelot was upset when Brandin escaped to the little island.
Then Lancelot met a hermit who knew of Brandin's plan to attack's Arthur's camp. Lancelot went to investigate and found 150 men ready to raid the king's camp at night. Lancelot fearlessly attacked Brandin's men, who panicked and fled thinking that Arthur had caught them. Lancelot captured Brandin, who agreed to become a prisoner of the monk.
Lancelot promised to release him if he would release Gawain and all those he held in prison. Brandin agreed and had all the prisoners released from Dolorous Prison. When Gawain and his companion all arrived at the hermitage, Lancelot reluctantly released Brandin. Gawain and his companion all agreed to stay in the hermitage until Lancelot allowed them to leave. No one recognised Lancelot, because he always wore his helmet in their presence, and he had a different shield than the one he was knighted with.
Lancelot returned to Dolorous Guard and allowed all of Arthur's people into the castle. They were unsuccessful in trying to gain information about the knight who captured the castle, nor what had happened to Gawain and his companions.
Lancelot then returned to the hermitage and allowed Gawain and the others to leave. Instead of returning to Dolorous Guard with Gawain, Lancelot left to seek new adventure.
Gawain and the others went to Dolorous Guard, and were reunited with Arthur. Gawain told them that a White Knight had released them from prison.
Related Information
Dolorous Guard, Doulourese Garde.
Joyous Guard, Joyeuse Garde.
First Encounter
Arthur decided to return to Camelot before he took his knights to an encounter (tournament) against Galehaut, Lord of the Sorelois and the Distant Isles (Remote Isles). Gawain decided to try and find the identity of the White Knight, and left on his quest.
Lancelot decided to attend the tournament, but he was wounded before he arrived in some minor adventures. Even though he had not fully recovered, he fought impressively on King Arthur's side. Gawain, who watched the battle, was impressed with White Knight but did not recognise him because he wore a different shield.
Malaguin, better known as the King of a Hundred Knights and who was a cousin of Galehaut, decided to face the White Knight. In the joust, Lancelot received a serious wound, but still fought very well, until his wound finally overcame him. Both Arthur and Galehaut admired the White Knight's prowess in combat. Arthur and Galehaut decided to meet in another battle at a later date.
Lancelot asked the doctor if he could be treated at another place, because he did not wish to be recognised by anyone. As he travelled in a litter, the Lady of Nohaut found him and took Lancelot back to her castle, refusing to let him leave until he had recovered.
Lancelot decided to leave the Lady of Nohaut when one of the damsels of the Lady of the Lake arrived with Gawain. She bore a message from another damsel who given him the three shields. She could not leave Dolorous Guard until she had permission to leave. Lancelot sent the damsel back to Dolorous Guard with his ring, giving the damsel of the three shields permission to leave anytime she wished. Gawain followed the damsel back to Dolorous Guard, hoping to know the White Knight's identity. However, Gawain was unsuccessful in discovering Lancelot's name, because he could not lift the metal slab from the tomb.
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Lifting the Curse
Lancelot was hoping to attend the second encounter (battle) between Arthur and Galehaut, but he was distracted from his quest. A squire brought news that Queen Guinevere was imprisoned in Dolorous Guard.
To release her from prison, he had to return to Dolorous Guard. However, it was a trap. Lancelot became a prisoner instead. The townspeople were upset with him for secretly leaving without lifting the curse from the castle. Lancelot agreed to lift the enchantment from the castle.
They took him back to the cemetery where an ancient chapel lay. The chapel had an entrance to an underground vault. Armed with his weapon, he entered a tunnel and found a door guarded by two copper knights. Though he won past them through the door, he received a wound to his shoulder.
Lancelot found himself in a chamber with a Well of Blackness. On the other side of the well was an axe-wielding black knight who had flames coming out his mouth. Lancelot charged towards the well. He threw his shield at the black knight before leaping across the well. The shield shattered on impact, before he crashed into the knight. With his hands he strangled the black knight to death. Then Lancelot threw the black knight into the well.
Lancelot entered another chamber with copper pillars to find a copper woman holding a set of keys. The White Knight took the keys and went to the centre of the chamber. The largest pillar had writing that indicated which key was for which lock. The large key unlocked the pillar that contained a chest. The other key was for the Perilous Chest. Once the chest was opened, the enchantment was broken.
As Lancelot left the chamber with the keys, the copper women and the copper knights were destroyed, and the Well of Blackness vanished. He left the chapel to find the people of the castle ready to greet him. They informed Lancelot that Queen Guinevere was never imprisoned there; it was just a ruse to bring him back to remove the enchantment on the castle. Lancelot was now their new lord, and Dolorous Guard was renamed to Joyous Guard.
Lancelot left the next morning to participate in the next encounter between Arthur and Galehaut.
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The Lady of Malohaut
Galehaut, lord of the Distant Isles, the Uncrowned King, had conquered thirty kingdoms. Galehaut was determined to add Logres (Britain) to his empire before he decided to wear a crown. Galehaut sent a message to Arthur, saying that he would like him (Arthur) to surrender to him as a vassal. In return, Galehaut would not invade Logres. Arthur refused to submit to Galehaut.
The two damsels of the Lady of the Lake aided Gawain, who continued to search for the identity of the White Knight and the conqueror of Dolorous Guard. One damsel promised to tell Gawain the hero's name if Lancelot refused to tell him. When they found the White Knight, Lancelot stubbornly refused to reveal his name. Since Gawain had done so much for the damsel (rescuing her from the treacherous knight named Brehu the Pitiless), she owed Gawain the truth. She revealed Lancelot's name and lineage to Gawain. Lancelot was upset with the damsel, though he allowed her to journey with him. The other damsel (the one who gave him three shields) returned to the Lady of the Lake.
Gawain had completed his quest. Gawain returned to Camelot and told everyone interested in the name of the White Knight.
After various minor adventures, such as being prisoner of Daguenet, King Arthur's Fool, and killing two giants, Lancelot was captured by the Lady of Malohaut. Lancelot was imprisoned for killing the Lady's seneschal.
The damsel, who had followed Lancelot, was locked on the other side of the castle gate when Lancelot was attacked. She thought Lancelot had died fighting. She went to a nearby abbey and took a nun's vow.
The Lady however allowed Lancelot to attend the first battle between Arthur and Galehaut, on the condition that he would return to her prison when the battle was over. Lancelot was the best in the field, inspiring other knights of Arthur to hold back Galehaut's assaults. Gawain, who led Arthur's first battalion, also proved to be a great knight, but he was seriously wounded.
Galehaut, seeing that he outnumbered Arthur's forces, saw that he would not gain any honour in this battle. Galehaut called for a truce to meet one year from then, asking Arthur to bring a larger army to face him. Both armies withdrew from the battlefield.
After the battle, Lancelot returned to Malohaut Prison. The Lady of Malohaut was curious about who this White Knight was. The lady and her cousin saw that his armour and weapon showed great signs of wear, while he had returned with a different horse than the one he left with. As Lancelot slept naked in the prison cell, the lady and her cousin saw that his body showed recent signs of cuts and bruises, further proving that he was not idle in the battle. While he slept unnoticed of the attention around him, the Lady of Malohaut would have kissed Lancelot had her cousin not stopped her. It was clear that the Lady of Malohaut had fallen in love with Lancelot.
The next day, the Lady of Malohaut was determined to find out the name of her handsome prisoner. Lancelot refused to reveal his name to the lady. She pretended to be angry with him, even threatening the hero with death or a longer and harder prison sentence. Lancelot defiantly refused to budge on this issue, and meekly returned to his cell.
The Lady of Malohaut went to Camelot on her quest to find the identity of her unnamed prisoner. Though she did not find out his name, she was satisfied in knowing that he was not a member of the Round Table.
She returned to her castle, asking for Lancelot's attendance. The Lady threatened that he would never leave his prison cell unless he answered one of her questions: What was his name? Which lady did he love? Would he perform better than the last battle? Lancelot did not want to answer any of the questions, but he also did not want to miss the coming battle. Lancelot answered the last question. Satisfied, the Lady of Malohaut told Lancelot that he could leave, but she asked him to stay until the battle took place. She promised him new armour and weapons.
A couple months after the battle, Gawain had fully recovered from his wounds. He set out on a new quest with forty other knights to find Lancelot and bring him to help them in the next battle. None of the knights returned with any success by the time of the next battle.
Gawain again led the first battalion of Arthur's army against Galehaut's forces. Arthur's army was still greatly outnumbered by Galehaut, though he brought more men into the battle the second time.
The first day of fighting was fierce; Gawain's prowess in battle helped his battalion to withstand Galehaut's attack. However, his smaller force was nearly overwhelmed before the battle was called for the day. Gawain dropped down unconscious from exhaustion and even more serious wounds than the last year. Arthur and his men feared that Gawain might have been mortally wounded; they were greatly demoralised with Gawain out of action for weeks.
Lancelot was distressed when he heard that the battle had taken place, and that Gawain was probably mortally wounded. The Lady of Malohaut assured Lancelot that the fighting would not resume for another three days.
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Price of Friendship
The Lady of Malohaut joined Queen Guinevere and the other ladies to watch the battle. While Lancelot made preparations for the coming battle, he received the new armour from the Lady. This time he rode into battle with a black horse, wearing black armour and shield. No one would be able to recognise him.
When Lancelot arrived at the battle, the Lady of Malohaut suspected that Lancelot had to love one of the ladies who watched the battle. Seeing the knight in black armour, she asked many of the ladies to request the Black Knight to fight the battle in their honour.
Gawain, watching the Black Knight, suspected that the Black Knight was Lancelot, wearing new armour. Gawain sent his own squire to give Lancelot three lances.
Lancelot would unhorse many enemy knights, wearing down the three lances, before returning to the hill to watch the battle.
When the Lady of Malohaut and Gawain persuaded Guinevere to ask to the Black Knight to perform deeds of arms in her honour. Gawain sent ten lances this time, along with three of his own horses, with the queen's message. When Lancelot rejoined the battle, the Lady of Malohaut firmly believed that Lancelot was in love with the queen.
In the fighting, he unhorsed the First Conquered King and man of his knights. Some of King Arthur's knights, seeing such great deeds of arms, joined the Black Knight, providing Lancelot with support. Even though Galehaut's army was larger, the Black Knight helped inspire Arthur's men to drive their enemies back.
Both sides admired the Black Knight's prowess. Galehaut suspected that he was the same knight who had attended the other encounters. Galehaut admired the Black Knight so much that he would do anything to win his friendship.
Before the end of the day, Galehaut met the Black Knight and persuaded him to lodge with him. Galehaut tried to convince Lancelot there was no treachery involved, and that he was trying to become the hero's friend. When Galehaut promised anything to the Black Knight, Lancelot told him to surrender when Arthur thought he was facing a humiliating defeat. When Galehaut promised all that Lancelot asked, it was this boon that won Lancelot's friendship.
The next day, Lancelot was fighting on Galehaut's side, though he was wearing Galehaut's own armour. Gawain however recognised him as the same person as the Black Knight. Everyone, including Arthur and Guinevere, became distressed that the Black Knight had changed sides, because Arthur's army was now having the worse of the day's battle.
Arthur was facing a crushing and humiliating defeat when Lancelot asked Galehaut to fulfil his promise. Out of his love for his new friend, Galehaut came before Arthur to surrender to the surprised king, and Galehaut asked the King of Logres for his forgiveness.
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The First Kiss
Arthur was surprised and delighted by this change of events. Arthur graciously accepted the surrender and asked Galehaut to dine with him. Lancelot made Galehaut promise to not give his name until he chose to reveal himself or someone else named him.
Galehaut dined with Arthur and his queen for several nights. When Arthur's court learned that Galehaut had surrendered due to a knight; they suspected it was the Black Knight's doing for Arthur's sudden victory. Gawain and the king and queen wanted to know the identity of the Black Knight, but Galehaut did not know his friend's name.
Galehaut returned to his own camp in the morning to find that his companion had been weeping. Galehaut unsuccessfully tried to comfort Lancelot.
Lancelot's heart was breaking because he believed that could not have Guinevere's love, because she was married. Yet everything he had accomplished was due to his love for the beautiful queen. Lancelot was not even a British subject to Arthur; Lancelot was a foreign prince from across the English Channel. Yet, Lancelot wanted Galehaut to comply with every wish of Arthur.
Galehaut began to suspect that his friend was in love with Guinevere, because whenever one of them mentioned the queen, Lancelot's mood became pensive and distressed.
Guinevere, wanting to meet with the knight who had saved her husband's kingdom, insistently persuaded Galehaut to arrange a meeting between her and the unknown Black Knight. Several days later, Lancelot agreed to a private meeting with the queen, to be arranged by Galehaut. Lancelot did not wish to meet anyone who would recognise him.
Galehaut arranged for them to meet one late afternoon. Galehaut left them alone so that they could talk and join a group of ladies that Guinevere had brought along. One of the ladies was the Lady of Malohaut, who had imprisoned Lancelot. She easily recognised her former prisoner.
Lancelot was overwhelmed and embarrassed in her presence. Through her persistence, Guinevere discovered that he was the same knight who had appeared in various guises and won victory through his own prowess, which he achieved through great deeds of arms. As one secret after another was revealed, Guinevere recognised that he was Lancelot of the Lake.
More questioning revealed that the young hero was in love with her, and that all he had done was for her sake, not Arthur. During the talk, Lancelot recognised the Lady of Malohaut; Lancelot became upset because he knew she had recognised him. At first, Guinevere thought Lancelot was in love with one of the ladies. When Guinevere told him this, Lancelot was so upset that the queen thought he was going to faint.
Guinevere revealed all that they had talked about, including Lancelot's name, and why he was upset.
Galehaut found that his suspicion had proved to be true. Far from being offended by his friend's desire and going against the Christian teaching that adultery was a mortal sin, Galehaut set about helping Lancelot to win Guinevere's love.

Galehaut Arranged Lancelot and Guinevere's First Kiss
Manuscript illustration, c 1400
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
Galehaut asked the queen to return her friend's love, which she readily agreed to. She even agreed to kiss Lancelot, as a token of her love for the hero. Galehaut arranged that they would kiss one another, while Galehaut blocked the view from the ladies.
However, the Lady of Malohaut knew something was going on, and she wanted to become part of it. She knew now that Lancelot was in love with the queen. She confronted the queen, saying that she would offer her help with Lancelot. Guinevere and the Lady of Malohaut became good friends, and the queen arranged for Galehaut and her new companion to become lovers. Every day they secretly made arrangements where Lancelot and Guinevere could kiss.
Both Galehaut and Arthur decided to return to their respective kingdoms. Lancelot was to go with Galehaut, while Guinevere returned to Camelot with her husband.
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War Against the Saxons
Lancelot and Galehaut departed for Galehaut's kingdom, Sorelois. The Lady of the Lake sent Lancelot's cousin, Lionel, to become his squire, until he was ready to be knighted.
The Lady of the Lake also sent a shield to Guinevere. The magic shield depicted a knight and a lady kissing, but the shield was split down the middle, preventing the knight and lady from actually touching one another. The Queen was told that once she consummated her relationship with her lover, the split shield would become whole.
Once Gawain had fully recovered from his wounds, he set out on the same quest he had postponed (because of the war against Galehaut) - to find the White or Red Knight (Lancelot) who was at the two previous encounters. Guinevere told Gawain that he might find him with Galehaut.
Lancelot's separation from Guinevere had made the young hero depressed and pensive. Not even Galehaut could comfort him. After some weeks, Galehaut sent Lionel as a messenger to Guinevere, seeking some news that might comfort or cheer up Lancelot. Guinevere sent Lionel back to Lancelot with the message to do everything Gawain wished.
Gawain went through various adventures, where he met a young knight named Hector and later Lionel. Gawain and Hector arrived at Sorelois where they were challenged to fight several times, including against Lancelot at Galehaut's castle. Lionel's arrival prevented bloodshed between Lancelot and Gawain.
Lancelot was upset that he had fought with Gawain. Though he still wanted to keep his name a secret, the Queen's message told him to do whatever Gawain asked of him. Gawain knew that he was the knight he had been looking for. Reluctantly, Lancelot told Gawain his name. At this time news arrived that the Saxons and Irishmen had invaded Scotland. Arthur sent his army to Scotland to defend his empire.
Lancelot and his companions secretly joined Arthur's army. On the day of their arrival, they found Arthur's army besieging Saxon Rock, a castle built at the time of Vortigern. Arthur was in love with the Saxon witch, and met her in her chamber of the castle. Arthur was captured by the Saxon knights and imprisoned.
During Arthur's absence, Lancelot made love to Guinevere. The shield given to the queen was made whole, which made Guinevere very happy. But news arrived that the Saxons were holding the king as prisoner.
A damsel arrived before the presence of the four companions, telling them she knew how to help them free Arthur. However, she brought them into a trap where Lancelot, Gawain, Galehaut and Hector were thrown into prison.
Only Lancelot was released from prison when he lost his mind. Lancelot hurt friends and enemies alike. Only Guinevere could calm Lancelot's raving. His sanity only returned when he put on the magic shield given to Guinevere. But the moment he took off the shield his madness returned. Only the arrival of the Lady of the Lake cured his madness.
By this time, Arthur's men were losing the fierce battle against the Saxons and Irishmen. When Lancelot returned to the battle, the tide of the battle returned to Briton forces. Lancelot managed to return to the castle, and released Arthur and his companions from prison. Lancelot captured the Saxon witch and forced her to make her army surrender.
After the battle, Gawain informed Arthur that he had completed his quest, and had found the White or Red Knight. Gawain told the king that he was one who released him from prison and his name was Lancelot. Overcome with joy, Arthur unsuccessfully tried to persuade Lancelot to become a member of his household and join the Round Table. So Arthur asked his wife to beg him to stay with them. Lancelot decided to stay because the Queen had asked him to.
Galehaut was upset, but decided to stay with Arthur and also become a member of the Round Table. However, Galehaut could not stay at Camelot indefinitely, since he had an empire to rule.
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Two Guineveres
In the Vulgate Merlin, the author said that Queen Guinevere had a half sister who was also called Guinevere. They were born on the same day and looked exactly the same, though they had different mothers. King Leodegan of Camelide (Camelerd), their father, had slept with his seneschal's wife. I shall call the second Guinevere – False Guinevere.
While Lancelot was staying with his friend Galehaut in Sorelois, the second Guinevere plotted with Bertholai, a knight of Camelide, to convince Arthur that she was his real wife. The False Guinevere said in her letter that if the king would not take her back as his wife, Arthur would have to return the Round Table to her.
The ring that the False Guinevere had was identical to that of the Queen. Arthur set Boxing Day (December 26) to prove which was his real wife and which was the impostor. Twenty barons from Camelide were part of the conspiracy.
One day, Bertholai captured Arthur in the forest. They gave Arthur a love potion so that he would fall in love with the False Guinevere. Arthur did whatever Bertholai and the False Guinevere said.
Arthur declared his real wife as an impostor, and wanted to have her executed. Arthur, with the barons of Camelide, found Guinevere guilty of treason. Since she had worn the crown, she needed to die by fire. Guinevere was stripped of her title and power as queen, while the False Guinevere took her place as Arthur's wife and consort.
The knights of the Round Table, particularly Gawain, were shocked at the accusation and verdict. Gawain and the knights opposed Arthur and the conspirators; they would rather that they be banished than allow the queen to be exiled or put to death.
News arrived about Guinevere's imprisonment. Lancelot immediately set out to rescue the queen, accompanied by Galehaut and his army.
When the day arrived that Guinevere was to be executed, Lancelot challenged the barons of Camelide in the force of arms. Bertholai had it set that Lancelot would have to fight three opponents instead of one. Bertholai had the three strongest knights from Camelide to fight this unfair duel. Arthur and Galehaut opposed this arrangement, but Lancelot refused to back down from combat. Lancelot renounced his allegiance to Arthur and his seat at the Round Table.
Lancelot fought three knights, killing two and wounding the third knight. Though Lancelot had won the combat, Arthur refused to take the real Guinevere back. Arthur was still under the spell of the False Guinevere. To solve this crisis and to protect the queen, Galehaut offered his kingdom as a safe haven for Guinevere. So Lancelot and Guinevere stayed in Sorelois, where they could continue their relations with one another without Arthur discovering it.
When the Pope heard of Guinevere's plight, he warned Arthur to take back his real wife or face an Interdictment placed on his kingdom for 21 months (which was sort of suspension from sacrament or mass to a person or the entire district). Arthur refused to give up the False Guinevere. The interdict was imposed immediately upon Arthur.
Ten months later, the False Guinevere and Bertholai fell mysteriously ill, robbing them of the ability to move. The two main conspirators realised that God was punishing them for the plot to remove the real queen. To save their souls, they repented of their sins and crime to the Arthur's chaplain, Amustans. They also confessed to Arthur of their deception. Arthur either had the pair executed, or they died from their illness, the text wasn't clear about how they died.
When news arrived of the conspirators' deaths, they also found that Arthur wished to take his wife back. Lancelot and Guinevere were happy of this outcome with the conspirators, but were saddened that they would have to part company again.
At first, Guinevere pretended that she would not return to Arthur since he had been ready to execute her. Arthur had to reconcile with Guinevere, Lancelot and Galehaut. Arthur had to plead with Lancelot to retake his seat at the Round Table. Once Arthur and Guinevere were reconciled, the queen gave a full kiss to Lancelot in public for his service to her. She considered Lancelot as her personal champion, which Arthur whole-heartedly approved. Lionel, Lancelot's cousin, was dubbed as knight.
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Valley of No Return
One night, while they were celebrating, Lancelot was enjoying a night stroll in the forest outside of London, along with the three nephews of Arthur: Gawain, Yvain and Galeshin. A large knight burst into the clearing and plucked Gawain on to his large horse. All four knights were unarmed at the time. Though Gawain put up a struggle, he was helpless against the giant knight. Lancelot wanted to immediately pursue Gawain's abductor, but his other friends warned them that they did not have any armour or weapons to confront the giant knight.
We learned that Gawain's abductor was Caradoc (Carados), known as the Lord of Dolorous Tower. Gawain received many wounds when Caradoc's guards beat him up. Caradoc's mother accused Gawain of treacherously killing her brother – Gadras the Black. Caradoc's mother was also a witch, and applied poisonous ointment over his wounds, causing Gawain great agony.
Gawain was then imprisoned in the vermin-infested dungeon of Dolorous Tower. His wounds festered and Gawain's health deteriorated after a few days. To add to his torment, the vermin would bite him in his dark cell.
There was a damsel who lived in Dolorous Tower and was a cousin of the Lady of White Castle and to Galeshin (nephew of Arthur); she decided to help Gawain. Caradoc had also abducted her because of her great beauty. Caradoc wanted to force her to marry him. Though she could not release Gawain, she threw a poisoned mixture into Gawain's prison cell to kill all the vermin. The damsel also gave medicine to heal Gawain's wounds. Then each night she would secretly send food and clean water to Gawain.
The three knights immediately set out on a quest to rescue Gawain. The Lady of the White Castle directed Galeshin to Dolorous Tower, who happened to be his cousin. Before any knight could proceed to Dolorous Tower, the knight had to walk through a church and open the door on the other side, while staffs wielded by invisible hands beat him. Whoever succeeded in this test would be the hero who would save Gawain. Galeshin failed the test.
Lancelot and Yvain arrived a day later, and were similarly tested in the church. Yvain failed, but Lancelot succeeded in opening the door.
To reach Dolorous Tower, the knights had to pass through Le Val Sans Retour, which means the "Valley of No Return". The valley belonged to Morgan le Fay, half-sister of King Arthur. Morgan was once in love with a cousin of Queen Guinevere, while she was the Queen's lady-in-waiting. Guinevere banished her cousin to prevent a scandal. This seemed to be source of Morgan's enmity towards Guinevere.
Morgan left her brother's court and came to this valley. The valley was enchanted so that any knight who had been faithless to his true love, could not leave Morgan's domain. Only a knight who had been faithful to his true love could end the enchantment on the valley and release the trapped knights.
Galeshin was the first to enter the valley and was captured. Yvain also entered the valley and he was also trapped. Lancelot entered the valley, where he killed four dragons. Lancelot then crossed the narrow plank that was defended by two knights. Lancelot pursued another knight, who fled into Morgan's pavilion. Morgan was rudely wakened when she fell of her bed that she was sleeping in. Lancelot chopped off the knight's head. Lancelot apologised for having woken the angry Morgan.
Morgan became even more upset to learn that Lancelot had broken the enchantment on her valley. She had no choice but to release all the prisoners, including her faithless lover. Galeshin and Yvain were set free.
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Le Val Sans Retour – "Valley of No Return".
Death of Galehaut
Morgan le Fay persuaded Lancelot to stay for one night, to rest. While Lancelot slept, she used a drug on the sleeping hero, and spirited Lancelot to her castle. Lancelot woke and found himself in prison. Morgan told the hero she would only release him if he gave her a ransom. Morgan wanted the ring on Lancelot's finger. Lancelot refused, because it was a gift from Guinevere. Morgan also had a ring almost identical to the one Lancelot wore. The only difference between the two rings were the engravings.
Morgan told the hero he would die in prison. Lancelot told her he didn't care. Morgan reminded the hero that he had yet to save Gawain from Caradoc. Morgan told the hero, she would allow him to rescue Gawain, only if he promised to return to her as her prisoner. Lancelot agreed.
Lancelot continued on his journey and found two bodies floating in the river. Lancelot was told that the hero who removed the bodies from the water would achieve the Dolorous Tower. Lancelot immediately jumped into the water and lifted the bodies out of the water.
Galeshin and Yvain had arrived at Dolorous Tower before Lancelot. Yvain entered the front gate and was captured by ten knights. Galeshin used the other gate. Galeshin defeated one knight at the first gate, and two at the second gate. However three knights overcame him at the third gate. Yvain and Galeshin were held in prison.
Meanwhile, Caradoc heard that Arthur was leading his knights to take Dolorous Tower. Caradoc sent his own men to confront Arthur, and prevent them from entering his domain.
Lancelot then arrived at Dolorous Tower and fought against Caradoc. Though they fought long and hard, Lancelot proved to be too strong and skilled for Caradoc. Caradoc, realising he was about to lose, broke off the fighting and ran towards his tower. Caradoc hoped to kill Gawain before Lancelot could release his friend.
However, the damsel who had helped Gawain, now helped Lancelot by closing and locking the gate. Lancelot killed Caradoc and then released Gawain and the other prisoners.
Lancelot then left his friends, returning to Morgan as prisoner. Once again, Lancelot refused to give his ring to her. As Lancelot slept in his cell, Morgan slipped Lancelot's ring off his finger, replacing with her own ring.
Morgan then sent one of her damsels with the ring and a message to Arthur and Guinevere. This damsel told everyone in Arthur's court that Lancelot was dying from his wound, and was returning the ring to Guinevere, saying that he had sinned against God and his king (Arthur) for loving the Queen.
Guinevere replied that she had loved Lancelot only because the hero had saved her and her husband, and because Lancelot had also helped Arthur to win two wars. Arthur believed his wife's statement.
Galehaut, who was staying with Arthur, decided to find Lancelot along with Gawain, Yvain and Lionel.
After staying with her for a while, Morgan became attracted to Lancelot, and wanted to marry the knight. Lancelot rejected her advances; declaring that he would rather die than become Morgan's lover. Realising that Lancelot was still faithful to Guinevere, she released Lancelot.
Lancelot returned to Sorelois, hoping to find Galehaut. Lancelot was more than disappointed when he found that his friend was absent; and he became very depressed. After a few nights, Lancelot fled into the woods without his armour and weapon. Apparently he was driven into insanity, because he missed Guinevere.
Galehaut found Lancelot's shield, carried by a vavasour. The vavasour gave the shield to Galehaut, after Galehaut was wounded in the fighting.
Galehaut returned to his kingdom with Lionel, only to find that his friend had lost his mind and left his kingdom. Thinking that Lancelot had killed himself, Galehaut became inconsolable and fell ill during fasting, dying ten days later. Galehaut's kingdom was given to his nephew and godson, Galehodin.
Lionel returned to Camelot with news of Lancelot's disappearance and Galehaut's death. More bad news followed when the court of King Arthur learned of the death of the Lady of Malohaut, Guinevere's companion.
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By Jimmy Joe