King Galehaut
Companion of Lancelot. Galeholt was the son of a giantess. In the Prose Tristan, Galehaut's father was named Brunor.
Galehaut was the king of Sorelois (Surluse). Galehaut had several titles: Lord of the Distant Isles (Faraway Isles), Uncrowned King, Haut Prince. Galehaut was described as very tall knight, and a well-loved king by his people for his chivalry, fairness and generosity.
In the Vulgate Lancelot, Galehaut had conquered Sorelois, where he had become king. Galehaut then proceeded to conquer thirty other kingdoms, including North Wales. Galehaut was called the Uncrowned King, because he refused to be crowned king until he conquered Logres, the kingdom of King Arthur.
Lancelot had just conquered the Dolorous Guard when Galehaut invaded Arthur's kingdom. Lancelot had such distinguished encounters (battles) against Galehaut's men that Galehaut wished to become friends with the unnamed Red or Black Knight (Lancelot).
Galehaut managed to befriend Lancelot during the third battle against Arthur. Lancelot agreed to become Galehaut's friend only if the king surrendered to Arthur at the moment of victory in the battle. Galehaut not only surrendered to Arthur, but struck a new friendship to Arthur, Guinevere and Gawain.
It was only through Guinevere that Galehaut learned of Lancelot's name. Galehaut also discovered his young friend's love for the queen. Galehaut then proceeded to arrange for Guinevere to return Lancelot's love, where the queen bestowed the first kiss to Lancelot.
Galehaut aided Arthur in the war against the Saxons where he, Lancelot and Hector would become the Knights of the Round Table. Galehaut returned to his own kingdom with Lancelot, where all his castles collapsed. Galehaut learned that God was angry with him for making war upon Arthur and that his friendship with Lancelot would cause his own death. This made Lancelot upset.
They stayed in his kingdom until he learned that an imposter had imprisoned Guinevere. Arthur fell madly in love with the False Guinevere so that he would have executed his real wife, had Lancelot not challenged and defeated three knights from Camelides. Galehaut offered Guinevere refuge and sanctuary in his kingdom until the queen was reconciled with Arthur.
Lancelot went to rescue Gawain, when the hero was captured by Morgan le Fay. She stole Lancelot's ring, telling Arthur's court that Lancelot was dying. Galehaut and the other knights set out on a quest to find Lancelot.
After a long search, Galehaut believed that his friend had died. Griefstricken, Galehaut fell ill after fasting, dying ten days later.
Lancelot would later rebury Galehaut in the tomb at the Joyeuse Guard (formerly known as the Dolorous Guard). At Lancelot's death, he would be beside him.
Galehodin, Galehaut's nephew and godson, inherited the lands after Galehaut's death.

By Jimmy Joe